that caresses your lovely face. You've got a name, haven't you? Yeah, I got a name. Peter Warne. Peter Warne. I don't like it. Don't let it bother you. You're giving it back to me in the morning. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Warne. The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Warne. - Another message, sir. - What is it? What is it? It's from Charleston. "Checking every northbound train. "Also assigned 20 operators to watch main highways. "No sign of her yet. Will continue to do all possible. "Signed, Lovington Detective Agency." It's just the same as all the others. - Yes, sir? - I said I was in a hurry to get to New York. - What are we crawling for? - I got it wide open. - All right, step on it. - Yes, sir. I hope she's all right. All right? Of course, she's all right. What could happen to her? - Nothing, sir. - Then shut up about it. Hello? Hey, mister. Hello. What's the matter, you not up yet? - What time is it? - 8:00. Here. It's a toothbrush, thanks. My dress, you had it pressed. Come on. Breakfast will be ready soon. You sweet thing. Where'd you get it pressed? I'll count to 10. If you're not out of bed by then... ...l'll drag you out myself. - One, two, three, four, five... - I really think you would! I'm out! I'm out! You'll find the showers just behind the second cottage. Outside? All the best homes have them outside. I can't go out like this. - Like what? - Like this. I have no robe. Here, use mine. Thanks. Make it snappy. Wait, it's not my fault. You got the sleeve. - Here are my puppets. - Thanks. Where'd you say the showers were? Here's a towel. Thank you. You're kind of little, aren't you? Where's the shower? Your hair's cute like that. You should never comb it. I'll find it myself. Are the showers in there? They ain't out here. Thank you. Can't a body have a little privacy around here? You want a shower around here, you'll stand in line. Hi, sister. You remember me, Shapeley? Say, I'm sorry about last night. Didn't know you was married to that guy. You should've told me right off. High time you got back. I met some very interesting women at the showers. We got chatting about this and that. You know how time flies. Come on. Sit down. My, my. Scrambled eggs. Egg. One egg. One donut, black coffee. That's your ration till lunch. Any complaints? No. No complaints. I'd have cream for your coffee, but I'd be buying a whole pint. You don't have to apologise to me. You don't know how much I appreciate all this. What makes you so disgustingly cheerful this morning? Must be the spring. I thought maybe "believe you me" told you some more snappy stories. No. He apologised for last night. Said he didn't know we were married. Just shows you how wrong a guy can be. - Donut? - Thanks. You think this whole business is silly? Running away and all. No. Makes too good a story. Yes, you do. You think I'm a fool and a spoiled brat. Perhaps I am. Although, I don't see how I can be. Spoiled people are used to having their way. I never have. On the contrary. I've always been told what to do and how to do it and when and with whom. Can you believe, this is the first time I've ever been alone with a man? Yeah. It's a wonder I'm not panic-stricken. You're doing all right. Thanks. Nurses, governesses, chaperones, even bodyguards. It's been a lot of fun. One consolation, you can never get lonesome. It has its moments. It's become a sort of game, trying to outwit father's detectives. I did once. Actually went shopping without a bodyguard. It was swell. I felt absolutely immoral. It didn't last long, they found me in a department store. I was so mad, I ran out the back way and jumped into the first car I saw. Guess who was in it? Santa Claus? Ghandi? King Westley was in it. - Is that how you met him? - Yes. We rode around all afternoon. Father was frantic. By 6:00, he was having all the rivers
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