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- Bridge washed out.
Looks like we can't get through
till morning.
If any passengers want a place to sleep...
...you'll find an auto camp
up yonder a piece.
- Where?
- Right over there. See those lights?
Dyke's Auto camp.
All right, thanks. Hey, brat.
Are you talking to me?
Yeah. Come on,
we're stopping here for the night.
Hey! Come on, we're all set.
Good evening. Hope you
and your husband rest comfortable.
Come on! What are you going to do,
stay out there all night?
Darn clever, these Armenians?
Yeah, it's a gift.
I just had the unpleasant sensation
of hearing you referred to as my husband.
Yeah. I forgot to tell you about that.
I registered as Mr. And Mrs.
You did?
What am I expected to do? Leap for joy?
I kind of half expected you to thank me.
Your ego is absolutely colossal.
Yeah, it's not bad. How's yours?
You know, compared to you,
my friend Shapeley's an amateur.
Just whatever gave you any idea
I'd stand for this?
Now wait a minute.
Let's get this straightened out right now.
If you're nursing any silly notion
that I'm interested in you, forget it.
You're just a headline to me.
A headline?
You're not a newspaper man, are you?
Chalk up one for your side.
Now listen. You want to
get to King Westley, don't you?
All right, I'm here to help you.
What I want is your story.
Exclusive. A day-to-day account.
All about your mad fight to happiness.
I need that story.
Between you and me, I've got to have it.
Isn't that just too cute.
There's a brain behind that face of yours,
isn't there?
You've got everything nicely figured out
for yourself. Including this.
This? Well, that's a matter
of simple mathematics.
These cabins cost $2 a night.
I'm very sorry to inform you, wifey dear...
...but the family purse won't stand
for our having separate establishment.
Thank you very much, sir.
You've been very kind.
It's all right with me.
Go on out in the storm.
But I'm going to follow you.
And if you get tough, I'll just have to turn
you over to your old man. Right now.
Savvy? That's my whole plot in a nutshell.
A simple story for simple people.
You behave yourself,
I'll see you get to King Westley.
If not,
I'll just have to spill the beans to Papa.
Now, which of these beds do you prefer?
This one? All right.
That, I suppose,
makes everything quite all right.
I like privacy when I retire.
Yes, I'm very delicate in that respect.
Prying eyes annoy me.
Behold the walls of Jericho.
Maybe not as thick as the ones
that Joshua blew down with his trumpet.
But a lot safer.
You see, I have no trumpet.
Now to show you
my heart's in the right place...
...l'll give you my best pair of pyjamas.
Do you mind joining the Israelites?
You don't want to join the Israelites?
All right. Perhaps you're interested
in how a man undresses.
There's a funny thing about that.
Quite a study in psychology.
No two men do it alike.
I once knew a man who kept his hat on
until he was completely undressed.
Now he made a picture.
Years later, his secret came out.
He wore a toupee.
I have a method all my own.
If you'll notice, the coat came first.
Then the tie. Then the shirt.
Now, according to Hoyle,
after that the pants should be next.
There's where I'm different.
I go for the shoes next.
First the right. Then the left.
After that, it's every man for himself.
Still with me, brat?
Don't be a sucker.
A good night's rest will do you
a lot of good.
Besides, you got nothing to worry about.
The walls of Jericho will protect you
from the big bad wolf.
"Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
The big bad wolf
"The big bad wolf
"She's afraid of the big bad wolf
Tra, la, la, la, la"
Would you mind please,
putting out the light?
No, not at all.
I wish you'd take those things
off the walls of Jericho.
Excuse me.
By the way, what's your name?
What's that?
Who are you?
Who, me?
I'm the whippoorwill that cries in the night.
I'm the soft morning breeze
Это случилось однажды ночью Это случилось однажды ночью

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