same "Now he smiles from the bar on the people below "And one night he smiled on my love "She blew him a kiss "And she hollered bravo And he hung by his schnozzle from above "He floats through the air with the greatest of ease "Daring young man on the flying trapeze His actions are graceful "All the girls he does please And my love he has stolen away" Do you mind if I take the third one? "I wept and I whimpered I simpered for weeks "While she spent her time with the circus' freaks "The tears were like hailstones that rolled down my cheeks "Alas, Alack and Alaska "I went to this fellow the villain, and I said "I'll see that you get your deserts "His thumb to his nose he put up with a sneer "He sneered once again and said no "He flies through the air with the greatest of ease "That daring young man on the flying trapeze "His actions are graceful The girls he does please "My love he has stolen away" - Everybody keep your seats. - Thank the man for me, Peter. It's the first comfortable position I've been in all night. "She flies through the air with the greatest of ease "The daring young..." What's the matter with you? Somebody help. Something happened to her. Look how pale she is. Let's give her a chance to snap out of it. Don't worry. She'll be all right. We ain't ate nothing since yesterday. What happened to your money? Ma spent it all on the tickets. We didn't know it was gonna be so much. We shouldn't have come, I guess. But Ma said there was a job waiting for her in New York... ...and if we didn't go, she might lose it. She'll be all right when she's had something to eat. The next time we come to, you buy some food. Now come on. I shouldn't ought to take this. Ma'll get mad. Don't tell her. You don't want her to get sick again. No, but you might need it. Come on. I got millions. Here. - Thanks. - Come on, go back. Better phone for some help. Go phone if you want to. The nearest town is 10 miles away. Yeah? Say, buddy. Like to take a look at my paper? Travelling like this, you lose track of what's going on in the world. Take that story there, for instance. If I was to see that dame, you know what I'd do? No. I'd go fifty-fifty with you. Why? Because I don't believe in hogging. A bird that figures that way always ends up behind the eight ball. That's what I always say. What's on your mind? Five G's or I crab the works. Let's get away from here and talk this over privately. I knew she wasn't your wife all the time. Lucky thing, my running into you. Just the man I need. - You made no mistake, believe me. - I can use a smart guy like you. - When you're talking to old man Shapeley... - Can you make a gat? Huh? A gat. A rod. - Got any fireworks on you? - No. I got a couple of machine guns in my suitcase. I'll give you one of them. May have trouble up north. Have to shoot it out with the cops. If you manage, those five G's are as good as in the bag. Maybe more. I'll talk to the Killer, he'll take care of you. Killer? Yeah. The big boy. The boss of the outfit. You're not kidnapping her, are you? What else, stupid? You don't think we're after that penny-ante reward? $10, 000? Chicken feed. Now listen, we're holding that dame for a million smackers. Say, I didn't know it was anything like this. You see, I've got... What's the matter? You getting yellow? I'm a married man. I got a couple of kids. I can't afford to get... Pipe down your mug before I... What are you trying to do, tell the whole world about it? Listen, you're into this thing and you're staying in, get me? You know too much. I won't say anything, honest I won't. How do I know that? I got a notion to plug you. - Why should I take a chance with you? - Trust me, mister. I'll keep my mouth shut. Yeah? What's your name? Oscar Shapeley. - Where do you live? - Orange, New Jersey. Got a couple of kids? Yes, sir. Just babies. A little golden-
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