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hope Aunt Bella has a boy, don't you?
Grandma says it's gonna be a girl.
She hasn't missed calling one in years.
Man here to see you, sweetheart.
Who, me? You wanna see me?
What's your name?
- Are you addressing me?
- Yeah. What's your name?
Wait a minute.
That's my wife you're talking to.
What do you mean coming here?
What do you want?
- We're looking for somebody.
- Fine, but don't come busting in here.
This isn't a public park.
I got news to take a sock at you.
- Take it easy.
- The men are detectives.
Even if they're the
whole police department...
...they can't bust in here,
questioning my wife.
Don't get so excited.
He asked you a simple question.
Is that so? How many times
have I told you not to butt in?
You don't have to lose your temper!
As usual. Every time I try to protect you.
At the elks dance,
when that big Swede hit on you.
He did not! I told you a million times.
He kept pawing you
all over the dance floor.
He didn't. You were drunk.
Nuts! Just like your old man.
Once a plumber's daughter,
always a plumber's daughter.
There ain't an ounce of
brains in your family.
Peter Warne, you've gone far enough!
- Shut up!
- You see what you've done?
Sorry, but you see,
we've gotta check up on everybody.
We're looking for a girl
named Ellen Andrews.
Daughter of that big Wall Street mogul.
Too bad you're not looking for
a plumber's daughter.
Quit bawling!
I told you they were a perfectly
nice married couple.
You weren't bad, jumping in like that.
- You've got a brain.
- You're not so bad, yourself.
We could start a two-people
stock company.
Things get tough,
we'll play to small town auditoriums.
We'll call this one, "The Great Deception."
What about "Cinderella" or
a real hot love story?
No, too mushy.
I like mushy stuff.
Quit bawling!
Bus leaves in five minutes!
- What?
- Your bus leaves in five minutes.
Holy smoke, we're not even packed yet.
I'm starting to think
you couldn't find your way home.
This is the last session...
- Yeah?
- Telegram for you.
- Bring it in.
- Another wire from Peter Warne.
Warne? Throw it in the wastebasket.
Wait a minute. What does it say?
"Have I got a story. Stop.
It's getting hotter and hotter. Stop.
"Hope you're the same."
- Collect?
- Yes.
- Lf you accept another one, you're fired.
- Yes, sir.
And that gives me an idea for all of you.
I want action, Lovington, action.
- We can't do the impossible.
- It isn't impossible.
She's somewhere between here and Miami.
I want her found.
- I put extra men on, the whole way.
- That's not enough.
Send in Clark and Brown.
- You sure she isn't with King Westley?
- No.
He's being trailed 24 hours a day.
He can't even get a phone call
we don't know about.
I'm worried. After all,
something might have happened to her.
I don't think so.
Brown, arrange a radio broadcast.
Coast-to-coast hook up.
Offer a reward of...
...$10,000 for information
on her whereabouts.
Clark, send the story
to all of the newspapers.
Some out-of-town papers
may not have a picture of her.
Wire this to them.
I want the story to break right away.
Now we'll get some action!
Fine, that's fine.
You know that one
about the man who flew on the trapeze?
"Once I was happy
but now I'm forlorn
"Like an old coat
that is tattered and torn
"Left in this wide world
to weep and to mourn
"Betrayed by a maid in her teens
"This maid that I loved
she was handsome
"And I tried all I knew how to please
"But I never could please her
one-quarter so well
"As the man on the flying trapeze
"He flies through the air
with the greatest of ease
"The daring young man
on the flying trapeze
"His actions are graceful,
all the girls he does please
"And my love he has stolen away"
I know the second verse there.
"Now he'd play with a miss
like a cat with a mouse
"His eyes would undress
every girl in the house
"Perhaps he is better described as a louse
And still people came just the
Это случилось однажды ночью Это случилось однажды ночью

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