tell me your ticket was in it. No, got that all right. But not my money. All I have here is $4. You can wire home for money in Jacksonville. No, I can't. - Yes, I guess I will. - I'll tell the driver about your bag. Thank you, I'd rather you didn't. Don't be a fool. You've lost your bag. The company should pay for it. - What's your name? - I don't want it reported! That's silly. The company will take care of it. Can you understand English? Would you please keep out of my affairs? I want to be left alone. Why, you ungrateful brat. Board! All aboard! Jacksonville, 30 minutes for breakfast. Only 30 minutes for breakfast. Just 30 minutes. That's all. No more. Read all about it! I'm so sorry. Silly, isn't it? Why, everybody's gone! Thank you for that, very much. - We're in Jacksonville, aren't we? - Yes. That was foolish of me. Why didn't you shove me away? I hated to wake you up. You look kind of pretty asleep. How about some breakfast? No thank you. No, I'm going to the Windsor Hotel. Windsor? You'll never make it in time. We leave in a half an hour. No, they'll wait for me. Driver, I'm going to be a few minutes late. Be sure to wait for me. Yeah? Yes. Where's the bus to New York? It left about 20 minutes ago. But that's ridiculous. I was on that bus. I told them to wait. I'm sorry, miss, but it's gone. Good morning. Remember me? I'm the fellow you slept on last night. Seems to me, I've already thanked you for that. What time's the next bus? 8:00 tonight. 8:00? That's 12 hours. Sorry, miss. What's wrong? Wouldn't the old meanies wait for you? Why are you so excited? You missed it, too. Yeah, I missed it too. Don't tell me you did it on my account. I hope you haven't any idea that what happened last night is... Young man, you needn't concern yourself about me. I can take care of myself. You're doing a pretty sloppy job of it. Here's your ticket. My ticket? I found it on the seat. Thank you. It must have fallen out of my purse. You'll never get away with it, Miss Andrews. - What are you talking about? - You won't get away with it. Your father will stop you before you get halfway to New York. You must have me confused with someone else. Quit kidding. It's all over the front page. I've always been curious to know... ...what kind of a girl would marry a front-page aviator like King Westley. Take my advice. Grab the next bus back to Miami. That guy's a phoney. I didn't ask for your advice. That's right. You didn't. You're not going to notify my father, are you? What for? You probably could get some money out of him. I never thought of that. If you promise not to do it, I'll pay you as much as he will. You won't gain a thing by giving me up. I'm willing to make it worth your while. I've got to get to New York without being stopped. It's very important to me. I'd pay you now, only... ...all I had when I jumped off the yacht was a watch. I had to pawn it to get these clothes. I'll give you my address. You can contact me in New York. Never mind. I had you pegged right from the jump. Just the spoiled brat of a rich father. The only way you get anything is to buy it. You're in a jam and all you can think of is your money. It never fails, does it? Ever hear of the word "humility"? No, you wouldn't. It never occurred to you to say... ..."Please, Mister, I'm in trouble. Will you help me?" That'd bring you down off your high horse. I'll tell you something to ease your mind. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not interested in your money or your problem. You, King Westley, your father. You're all a lot of hooey to me. You send telegrams here? I'm just fine, thanks. And how are you? "To Joe Gordon, in care of New York Mail, New York. "Am I laughing. The biggest scoop of the year just dropped in my lap. "I know where Ellen Andrews is." No, do you really? Go on. Send the telegram. "How would you like to have the
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