You're a sucker to go through with this. That guy, Warne, is okay. He didn't want the reward. All he asked for was $39.60. lt's what he spent on you. Said it was a matter of principle. You took him for a ride. He loves you, Ellie. He told me so. You don't want to be married to a mug like Westley. l can buy him off for a pot of gold. And you can make an old man happy. And you won't do so bad for yourself. lf you change your mind, your car's waiting at the back gate. Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God... ...and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman... holy matrimony. lf any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully... joined together, let him now speak or else, hereafter forever, hold his peace. King, will thou have this woman to thy wedded wife so long as you both shall live? l will. Ellen, will thou have this man to thy wedded husband... long as you both shall live? Ellen! Ellie! What happened? l haven't the slightest idea. Don't want to talk to you. Don't want to talk to anybody. Don't want to see anybody. But it's King Westley on the phone. Hello, my would be ex-son-in-law. l've sent you a check for $100,000. That's the smartest thing you ever did, Westley, not to contest that annulment. That's satisfactory, isn't it? lt ought to be. l'm not complaining. Not complaining. lt was dirt-cheap. Don't fall out of any windows! There's another wire from Peter. They're in Glen Falls, Michigan. ''What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke. ''The walls of Jericho are toppling.'' Send him a telegram right away. Just say, ''Let them topple.'' -Funny couple, ain't they? -Yeah. lf you ask me, l don't believe they're married. They're married, all right. l just seen the license. They made me get them a rope and a blanket, on a night like this. What do you reckon that's for? Blamed if l know. l just brought them a trumpet. A trumpet? A toy. They sent me to the store to get it. What in the world do they want a trumpet for? Don't know.Hunger strike? How long has this been going on? She hasn't had a thing yesterday or today. - Sending meals up to her regularly? - Yes, sir. Why don't you jam it down her throat? It's not that simple, Mr. Andrews. I'll talk to her myself. Have some food brought up to her. Yes, sir. I won't eat a thing until you let me off this boat. Come now, Ellie. You know I'll have my way. Not this time, you won't! I'm already married to him. You'll never live under the same roof with him. I'll see to it. Get it through your head, King Westley and I are married! Definitely, legally, actually married! It's over, it's finished. There's not a thing you can do about it. I'm over 21 and so is he. While you've been onboard... ...l've arranged to have your marriage annulled. Annulled. I'll have something to say about that and so will King. I expect him to. The vittles. Come in. I told you not to bring any food in here. Now wait a minute. This isn't for you. Put it down here. Smart, aren't you? So subtle. Strategy, my dear. Was it strategy sending those gorillas to drag me away... ...from the Justice of the Peace? Your idea of strategy is to use a lead pipe. I've won many arguments that way. Besides not liking him, you haven't got a thing against King. - He's a fake. - He's one of the best flyers in the country. He's no good. You married him because I said not to. You're always telling me what not to do. Because you've always been a stubborn idiot. I come from a long line of stubborn idiots. Don't shout so. You may work up an appetite. I'll shout if I want to! I'll scream if I want to! All right, scream. Let me off this boat or I'll break every piece of furniture in here! Here, now. Have a nice piece of juicy steak. You don't have to eat it. Just smell it. It's a poem. Lower the boats! Catch her! Come on, men! She got
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