to King Westley. lf not, l'll just have to spill the beans to Papa. Now, which of these beds do you prefer? This one? All right. That, l suppose, makes everything quite all right. This? l like privacy when l retire. Yes, l'm very delicate in that respect. Prying eyes annoy me. Behold the walls of Jericho. Maybe not as thick as the ones that Joshua blew down with his trumpet. But a lot safer. You see, l have no trumpet. Now to show you my heart's in the right place... ...l'll give you my best pair of pyjamas. Do you mind joining the lsraelites? You don't want to join the lsraelites? All right. Perhaps you're interested in how a man undresses. There's a funny thing about that. Quite a study in psychology. No two men do it alike. l once knew a man who kept his hat on until he was completely undressed. Now he made a picture. Years later, his secret came out. He wore a toupee. l have a method all my own. lf you'll notice, the coat came first. Then the tie. Then the shirt. Now, according to Hoyle, after that the pants should be next. There's where l'm different. l go for the shoes next. First the right. Then the left. After that, it's every man for himself. Still with me, brat? Don't be a sucker. A good night's rest will do you a lot of good. Besides, you got nothing to worry about. The walls of Jericho will protect you from the big bad wolf. ''Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?. The big bad wolf ''The big bad wolf ''She's afraid of the big bad wolf Tra, la, la, la, la'' Would you mind please, putting out the light? No, not at all. l wish you'd take those things off the walls of Jericho. Excuse me. By the way, what's your name? What's that? Who are you? Who, me? l'm the whippoorwill that cries in the night. l'm the soft morning breeze that caresses your lovely face. You've got a name, haven't you? Yeah, l got a name. Peter Warne. Peter Warne. l don't like it. Don't let it bother you. You're giving it back to me in the morning. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Warne. The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Warne. -Another message, sir. -What is it? What is it? lt's from Charleston. ''Checking every northbound train. ''Also assigned 20 operators to watch main highways. ''No sign of her yet. Will continue to do all possible. ''Signed, Lovington Detective Agency.'' lt's just the same as all the others. -Yes, sir? -l said l was in a hurry to get to New York. -What are we crawling for? -l got it wide open. -All right, step on it. -Yes, sir. l hope she's all right. All right? Of course, she's all right. What could happen to her? -Nothing, sir. -Then shut up about it. Hello? Hey, mister. Hello. What's the matter, you not up yet? -What time is it? -8:00. Here. lt's a toothbrush, thanks. My dress, you had it pressed. Come on. Breakfast will be ready soon. You sweet thing. Where'd you get it pressed? l'll count to 10. lf you're not out of bed by then... ...l'll drag you out myself. -One, two, three, four, five.... -l really think you would! l'm out! l'm out! You'll find the showers just behind the second cottage. Outside? All the best homes have them outside. l can't go out like this. -Like what? -Like this. l have no robe. Here, use mine. Thanks. Make it snappy. Wait, it's not my fault. You got the sleeve. -Here are my puppets. -Thanks. Where'd you say the showers were? Here's a towel. Thank you. You're kind of little, aren't you? Where's the shower? Your hair's cute like that. You should never comb it. l'll find it myself. Are the showers in there? They ain't out here. Thank you. Can't a body have a little privacy around here? You want a shower around here, you'll stand in line. Hi, sister. You remember me, Shapeley? Say, l'm sorry about last night. Didn't know you was married to that guy. You should've told me right off. High time you got back. l met some very interesting women at the showers. We got chatting about
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