free about it? lt cost this paper a gob of dough. And it's not going to cost us any more! Gordon. Did you know he reversed the charge? What? Why you.... When you get back to New York, you keep far away from this office. You're fired. You don't work here anymore and you never will. What'd he say? So, you're changing your tune? You're late with your apologies. l wouldn't go back to work for you if you begged me on your hands and knees! l hope this'll be a lesson to you. Did we tell that baby? -We don't need anymore of his lip. -You told him, Pete. l guess he knows now, how l feel about his job. l bet he does, too. ls my chariot ready? Your chariot awaiteth withouteth, mighty King. -Lead on, sire. -Make way for the king. Make way for the king. Long live the king. Philadelphia, all aboard! Step down Marty, King is back. On the rack in the back. lt's your goodbye chariot. Make hams of you and scram! Two thousand miles is a long trip. Make yourself comfortable with a pleasant pillow. Pillow, sir? Driver! lf you'll be good enough to move those newspapers, l'll have a seat. Hey, wait a minute! What do you think you're doing? The papers. What's the idea of throwing them out? The papers? lt's a long story, my friend. l never did like the idea of sitting on newspapers. l did it once, and all the headlines came off on my white pants. lt actually happened. Nobody bought a paper that day. They followed me all over town and read the news off the seat of my pants. A fresh guy. What you need is a good sock on the nose. Listen partner, you may not like my nose, but l do. l always wear it out in the open so... ...if anybody wants to take a sock at it, they can. Yeah? Now, that's a brilliant answer. Why didn't l think of it? Our conversation could have been over long ago. Yeah? lf you keep that up, we won't get anywhere. Yeah? You got me. Yeah! Excuse me, lady. But that upon which you sit is mine. l beg your pardon? Now listen, l put up a stiff fight for that seat. So, if it's just the same to you, scram. Driver, are these seats reserved? -No. First come, first serve. -Thank you. These seats accommodate two people, don't they? Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Thank you. Move over. This is a ''maybe they do.'' lf you'd ask me real nice, l might put that bag up there for you. Next time you drop in, bring your folks. Get some! Come on, everybody! Hot dogs, folks! Rest station, 15 minutes. We'll only be here 15 minutes. Red hot coffee! Right around there. Get the red hot coffee! Hot dogs! Can't enjoy the ride unless you eat! He got away. l found myself in the middle of brush and no sign of the skunk. l don't know what you're raving about, young man. -Furthermore, l'm not interested. -Well of all the.... Maybe you'll be interested to know your bag is gone. My heavens! lt's gone! l knew you'd catch on eventually. -What am l going to do now? -Don't tell me your ticket was in it. No, got that all right. But not my money. All l have here is $4. You can wire home for money in Jacksonville. No, l can't. -Yes, l guess l will. -l'll tell the driver about your bag. Thank you, l'd rather you didn't. Don't be a fool. You've lost your bag. The company should pay for it. -What's your name? -l don't want it reported! That's silly. The company will take care of it. Can you understand English? Would you please keep out of my affairs? l want to be left alone. Why, you ungrateful brat. Board! All aboard! Jacksonville, 30 minutes for breakfast. Only 30 minutes for breakfast. Just 30 minutes. That's all. No more. Read all about it! l'm so sorry. Silly, isn't it? Why, everybody's gone! Thank you for that, very much. -We're in Jacksonville, aren't we? -Yes. That was foolish of me. Why didn't you shove me away? l hated to wake you up. You look kind of pretty asleep. How about some breakfast? No thank you. No, l'm going to the Windsor
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