have to see anybody. You can come directly to my study. No. Why do I wanna... Hey, wait a minute. Maybe I will come over. Yeah. I'd like to get a load of that three ring circus you're pulling. I wanna see what love looks like when it's triumphant. I haven't had a good laugh in a week. Mr. Warne? Yeah. - Sit down. - Thanks. I was surprised to get your note. My daughter hadn't told me anything... ...about you. About your helping her. That's typical of your daughter. Takes those things for granted. Why did she think I lugged her from Miami? She thinks you're entitled to anything you can get. She does? Isn't that sweet of her? You don't, I suppose. Well, I don't know. I'll have to see on what you base your claim. I presume you feel justified. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here. I got it all itemised. "Cash outlay, $8.60. Top coat, $15. "Suitcase, $7.50. Hat, $4. "Three shirts, $4.50. Total, $39.60. "All of the above items had to be sold to buy gasoline." And I sold some shorts and socks, too. I'm throwing those in. - Yes, I know. - What's the matter? Isn't it cheap enough? Trip like that'd cost you a $1,000, maybe more. Now, let me get this straight. You want $39.60 in addition to the $10,000? What 10,000? The reward. Who said anything about a reward? I'm afraid I'm a little bit confused. I assumed... All I want is $39.60. If you give me a check for it, I'll get out of this joint. It gives me the jitters. - You're a peculiar chap. - We'll go into that some other time. The average man would go after the reward. Did anybody ever make a sucker out of you? It's a matter of principle. You probably wouldn't understand. When anybody takes me for a buggy ride, I don't like paying for the privilege. Were you taken for a buggy ride? Yes. With all the trimmings. So how about the check, do I get it? - Certainly. - Thanks. Here you are. Thank you. Do you mind if I ask you a question, frankly? Do you love my daughter? Any guy in love with your daughter should be examined. Now that's an evasion. She picked herself a perfect running mate, King Westley. The pill of the century. She needs a guy that'd sock her once a day whether it's coming to her or not. If you were wiser, you'd have done it yourself long ago. Do you love her? A normal man couldn't live with her without going nutty. She's my idea of nothing. I asked you a simple question! Do you love her? Yes! Now don't hold that against me! I'm a little screwy myself! Here's to the merry-go-round. Perfect. Now you look natural. - I hope you got your money. - You bet I did. - Congratulations. - Thanks. Same to you. Stay around and watch the fun. You'll enjoy it immensely. I would, but I've got a weak stomach. - I just had a long talk with him. - I'm not interested. Now just a minute, Ellie. I don't want to hear another word about him. Come on, folks. King Westley has arrived. Here they come, boys. Turn them over. You're a sucker to go through with this. That guy, Warne, is okay. He didn't want the reward. All he asked for was $39.60. It's what he spent on you. Said it was a matter of principle. You took him for a ride. He loves you, Ellie. He told me so. You don't want to be married to a mug like Westley. I can buy him off for a pot of gold. And you can make an old man happy. And you won't do so bad for yourself. If you change your mind, your car's waiting at the back gate. Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God... ...and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman... ...in holy matrimony. If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully... ...be joined together, let him now speak or else, hereafter forever, hold his peace. King, will thou have this woman to thy wedded wife so long as you both shall live? I will. Ellen, will thou have this man to thy wedded husband... ...so long as you both shall live? Ellen!
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