not. You got money. - Clever. - No. 2, that's a little wider movement. Smile goes with this one, like this. That means you got a brand-new story about the farmer's daughter. You figured that out all by yourself? That's nothing. No. 3, that's a pip. That's the pitiful one. When you're broke and hungry, everything looks black. It's a long sweeping movement like this. Gotta follow through, though. That's amazing. But it's no good, if you haven't got a long face to go with it. Here comes a car. Okay. Now watch me. I'm gonna use No. 1. Keep your eye on that thumb, baby, and see what happens. I still got my eye on the thumb. Something must have gone wrong. I'll try No. 2. When you get to 100, wake me up. I don't think I'll write that book after all. Think of all the fun you had, though. You mind if I try? You? Don't make me laugh. You're such a smart aleck. Nobody knows anything but you. I'll stop a car and I won't use my thumb. What are you gonna do? It's a system all my own. Aren't you going to give me a little credit? What for? I proved once and for all that the limb is mightier than the thumb. Why didn't you take off all your clothes? You could have stopped 40 cars. I'll remember that when we need 40 cars. So, you're just married? That's pretty good. But if I was young, that's the way I'd spend my honeymoon. Hitchhiking. Yes, sir. "Hitchhiking down the highway "Of love on a honeymoon "Hitchhiking down the highway, down" Aren't you afraid you'll burn out a tonsil? Tonsil? Me? No. Me burn a tonsil? "My tonsils won't burn" All right, let it go. "Turn" How about a bite to eat? - That would be lovely. - No thanks, we're not hungry. Young people in love are never hungry. No. "Young people in love "Are very seldom hungry "People in love are very seldom hungry" What were you going to do? Gold dig that guy for a meal? Sure, I was. No fooling, I'm hungry. Eat a carrot. No. I'm going in to ask him. You do and I'll break your neck. Come on, let's get out of here. Stretch our legs. I'm sorry... That's all right. Hey! Come here! You've got my suitcase! What happened to you? I was worried. - Get in. - Look at your face! You've got a cut! Well, what happened? A road thief. Picks people up, runs off with their things. What a racket. How'd you get the car? I gave him a black eye for it and had to tie him up to a tree. Can't be much gas left in this thing. Gotta start promoting some. Better take the things out of the pocket of that coat. That'll be good for ten gallons. I haven't changed my mind, Westley. I want you to understand that. I don't like you. Never have. Never will. Now that's clear enough, isn't it? You've made it evident by your threats of annulment. It hasn't worried me for a minute. Ellie and I got married because we love each other. She's proving it. As far as I'm concerned, there's going to be no annulment. I see. You've got hold of a good thing and you're going to hang on to it? All right, you win. I'll just have to get used to you. I admit, I'm licked. But it's only because I'm worried. If I don't find her soon, I'll go crazy. I could have helped if it hadn't been for you. I've been watched so closely... I know. Well, you can help now. I've got a room full of reporters in there. Now, I want you to make a statement. Say that we've talked things over and come to an understanding. And that if she returns I won't interfere with your marriage. - All right? - Yeah, that's quite all right. Okay. I hope you and your wife spend a pleasant week with us. So do I. Thank you. Goodnight. Goodnight. - All right, brat. - Any luck? Yeah. He finally agreed to let us have a cabin. What about the money? I talked him out of that idea. He thinks we're staying a week. - I must think something up before morning. - That's swell. Yeah? I'm glad you think so. If you ask me, I think it's foolish. I told you there's no use
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