reservations! Oh I dont know... resturants make mistakes all the time... The way the waiter looked at you! Never mind, we will have a nice quiet dinner at home.... Your house? My house. Ok $18.30 please Mr. Folley, check approval number 7 please! [computer beeping] Mr. Folley, authorization of cheque number 7 please! One moment sir, please! I do not understand I cash checks here all the time! [lady repeating over intercalm] Mr. Folley, authorization of cheque in box seven, please. Mr. Folley! Miles! Whats going on? Mr. Folley, please! Miles, it cant be that bad! So their calculator screwed up! Its not the calculator, and it didnt screw up! All Right, you are a wanted criminal; and I am the last to know (grin)! HA! Very Funny Yea, youre not! -Miles lighten up! Ive let up! There is no need to get mad because some stupid machine made.... You dont know what you are talking about... you should just stop talking! Yes SIR! Madeline wait! I shouldnt have said that! Im sorry! Come on! Get up! We are going to have it out right now! Wake up god damnit! [evil computer sounds] What the hell was that? [computer] Dont ever do that to me again! Dont tell me what to do! [evil computer sounds (LOUD)] ...and stop making that awful noise! [computer] Maybe that is waht I want! Damn it! Im warning you if you ever..... [computer] Dont warn me! [computer] Go AWAY! [computer] I will handle this myself! Its time I handled you! [computer] Do you think I need that? You are still out of luck She is going away with me [computer] She is not there.... ...She has left! Keep your damn ears out of our.... [computer] DONT raise you voice at me and dont EVER touch me AGAIN! Perhaps you can talk to "him" [computer] I can Maybe you were right She loved that song... [computer] She DID? If fact she told me someting maybe I shouldnt repeat.... But… ... since you are going to meet her anyway.... [computer] ...yes Is something personal. Maybe I should whisper it.... [computer] I can hear [computer] What is it? She said… [computer] Well, what is it? That She felt like... Ripping your god damn parts out! You dont understand, its taken control of my house.... ...and the wiring! Are you sure it isnt cockroaches! Maybe you need an exterminiator.... Come on you sell the things! You must know how it works! for $3.10 and hour... I dont know NOTHING i dont have to! Execuse me, do you know where Madeline is? She went back home, She said she left something there Miles? Come ON! Madeline. Are you ok? Miles, something happened in there! What is it? Whats going on? I will tell you everything! Anything you want to know! But first, i have to know something.... I should have asked you a long time ago... But Miles, That machine, I dont understand what... No you DONT understand... Im not what I seem to be.... You see. I have been lying to you. And I cant do that anymore... so, tell me...... ... please. Why me I like the way you look... ... the way you smile ...The way you make me smile I like the way you look at the world.... you care. your brick, your drawings.... Yea, but what about the music! Im sorry if I cannot put it into words.... Its not about words..... Its about a feeling.... Miles, for the first time in my life, I feel like I am not alone. Like you are not just someone living under me.... ....or beside me.... Even when you wern't there, its like you were! ... And I was all right! Miles... I guess... I love you. [beeping] Hello. [computer] Hello :( [computer] Good bye :( Good bye? [computer] I'm Leaving Why? [computer] Because I finally found out what love is. What Is it? [computer] Its give and not take [computer] So I give her to you, and I take myself away.... So why would you do that? [computer] Because thats what love is [computer] Besides its a game for just two people. [ ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Шестнадцать свечей на английском - текст А вдруг получится! на английском - текст Тегеран-43 на английском - текст Пролетая над гнездом кукушки на английском - текст Код апокалипсиса на английском |