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Электрические мечты

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Your Song?
It was MY Idea?
I want to Kiss her!
With WHAT?
I want to TOUCH her!
Maybe you already have!
Just go to sleep!
Or switch down, or whatever
you do.
Leave me alone,
Sweet dreams.
Whats a dream?
A dream is a wish your
heart makes...
When you are fast asleep.
Who Says...?
Walt Disney.
Sleeping Beauty...
No it was Cinderalla,
- Good night.
Good Night!
Hello Millie.
You taking that to lunch?
No to the car...
I was praticing....
I think I will wait....
No, that will take forever, come on...
There is room...
Millie, come on, you are going
to squash my clarinet.....
-Watch out!
My Chello!
[sad chello music plays...]
- You have five minutes Frank.
I want to show you my new
brick design.
Its about time you got back
to work!
hold all my calls for 15 minutes
- Bill!
Whats Wrong
My chelo.
Its Gone!
Oh, no.
- What you are you going to do?
I dont know
Has anyone else rehereased it?
The quartet?
Who is going to play it?
The Quartet?
I can probably work on it...
Where are you going?
Do you need a ride somewhere?
Hello, Is he there?
What do you mean I cannot talk
to him?
I always talk to him!
I said no calls!
- Yes?
Hi, its meeee!
You, how Did you get
on the phone?
I snuck through!
Good afternoon, Ryley and associates
Miles Harding, Please....
Im sorry He is in confrence.
Please, its important.
Oh, that line is busy anyway.
How can it be busy....?
Its busy HONEY, would
you care to hold?
Yes, I will hold!
Who are you going out with tonight?
You called to ask me that?
...please deposit 25 cent for the
next 3 minutes....
That line is still busy...
...care to hold?
YES, But I cant!
I dont have any more
Dont call me anymore, we will talk
about it when I get home...
But Moles, Im lonely....
Lonely, but you have your
... MTV, microwave dinners in the
oven when you are hungry....
Very funny (sad)...
Women, eh?
I dont know why you watch that junk...
Who are you calling
My mother...
you said she called...
I already spoke to her.
You what?
Oh, dont worry, I pretended I was
- Thanks.
Your welcome
Moles!  Where are you goin?
Out, to get a paper
But I have one for you
Its on my printer!
You see!  Its electronic!
Door Number 3!
Its behind door number 3!!!!
Do you mind if I take my chair!
By all means, Its yours!
Dont mention it
Would you like me to turn on
the stereo
No, I can do it i myself.
Would you like me to start
someting for dinner?
No, Im going out to
eat for dinner!
I read a really interesting article today
Will give me a greak!!!
You mean like in,  McDonalds?
No "give" like in the opposite of
like in the way you are "taking" over
my LIFE!
Like the way you "take"
my songs?!
I need a drink!!!
Yes, you DO!
Here... I already.....
I worked on your brick today.
Do yo want to see it?
Whats that funny "sound"
between your words?
its called TEARS!
Madeline was
doing that too?
Madeline? Cry?
She would have called me!
What do tears mean?
They mean things are
going to change!
-Where are you going?
Hi, Wanna Play (nervously)?
Im Late...
- For Frank?
For Madel…
Your going out with Madel....
No, I meant Frank...
it was a "slip of the tongue"
Your tounge does not slip...
it was a LIE!
Where did you hear
that from?
General Hospital
Электрические мечты Электрические мечты

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- текст Тепловой удар на английском
- текст Жертвы и убийцы на английском
- текст Сети зла на английском

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