's in from denver. Phil's the name. How do you do? Nice to meet you. You should get yourself an electric. Think of the money you will save in band-aids. Oh. Oh, that's very good. I-I think I'll take your advice. - How's your boy doin'? - Good. He's zeroed in on the suspect that bought the solenoids. Terrific. Do we give him backup? You wanna get some guys killed? Uh, I don't understand. He already beat the shit out of one poor bastard this morning he thought we had following him. Every law enforcement agency in this country is on this case. It's possible that someone is following him. - But not from this office? - Not from this office. You got the address, right? Alteransa. Wilshire and arden. Okay. Amir. Here he comes. - Yeah? - Watch your back. Target's been delayed. Malak. unit 23. Unit 23. We have renza's building under surveillance. Suspend delay. Ten-four. Hey, pat, the fed's signalling you. Okay, just sign this, sir, and you're free to go. By the way, mr. Randall, I suggest in the future you exercise just a little bit more caution... In your driving. Good night. malak wants them both dead. Here's the address. Aziz sent this... Just in case. I see him. He's driving into renza's garage now. Renza's black mercedes just pulled into the driveway. ow! They were using him as bait. They thought I'd be stupid enough to risk myself to kill just one man. Okay, renza, who sent you to farnsworth? Who sent you? Who wanted those detonators? I don't know. A name! Come on! Aziz! Aziz! Robert aziz! Robert aziz! Robert aziz! Aah! Shit! We want him alive! He's got a bomb! You killed those men! I could've stopped him. The object of the mission was to take at least one of them alive. Weren't you briefed? Nick. You stay out of this. You son of a bitch! Get that out of my face... Or you're a dead man. Who the hell do you think you are... You can use me as bait? You're a fisherman, randall. Live bait works best. I know this is out of character for you, lipton, But I want the truth. Why me? Beirut. February, 1978. Remember? Oh, come on, randall. You were given an assignment to terminate five enemy operatives. Four are dead. The one you missed wants your ass. Malak al rahim, As he now calls himself. He should really thank you, because you made him number one. But the other four were his friends. There's no way... He could have known that it was me... Without your help. Sure. But, uh, we'd already moved you to south america, Saving you up for a rainy day. Check your hook, asshole. You're losing your bait. you're better off with us than without us, randall. We got a lot of men on you. There's no way you can slip us. Don't bet on it! Uh, you better go placate your desert dwellers before they find out you set 'em up. Oh, right. What the hell's the point in sending him out there? It's over. We blew it! We scared him off. You don't understand, pat. We're not dealing with one of your home-grown scumbags. Malak's an animal. He doesn't get scared. He gets even. Next time you decide to fuck me, lipton, Kiss me first! Unit seven, he's headin' towards you. Armand, garbage. I swear to you- I had no idea there was that much surveillance out there. That's all right, henderson. Don't worry. This is unit 42. I'm on him. I'm behind him, heading north on figueroa. hey! Lock it up. He's on foot. Mr. Lipton. Randall gave us the slip. How many goddamn men do you need to cover one man? You - get outta the way! Wait a minute. No. Lipton, it's for you. Lipton. You've got four men. Follow anybody that leaves there. But don't blow henderson's cover. Yeah. You got anything? Yeah. A headache. Henderson went in, but he didn't come out. We lost randall. You lost henderson. We're still no closer to malak. We're doin' just fuckin' great, ain ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Спаун на английском - текст Человек с киноаппаратом на английском - текст Сайлент Хилл на английском - текст На безымянной высоте на английском - текст Младенец на прогулке на английском |