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still seems thin.
Get another source.
How many fucking sources
do they think we've got?
-You sure Deep Throat won't confirm?
-He won't confirm! l told you.
What about the guy in Justice?
l can't call him.
He's right next to the Grand Jury.
-We have no choice.
-Twenty minutes to deadline.
l don't know if l can get him on the phone.
Deputy General's office, please.
Do you know when you expect him back?
I believe he left for the evening.
If you'd like to leave a message....
Could you hold, please?
Hi, this is Carl. Sorry to disturb you now.
We're going with the story that Haldeman
is the fifth man to control the fund...
...and they're hassling us.
We've got three confirmations.
lf you could just help us, l'd appreciate it.
I won't say anything about Haldeman.
Not ever.
l understand.
We don't want you to do that.
We know it's against the law
for you to say anything.
lf there's a way you could warn us
to hold on the story, we'd appreciate it.
I'd really like to help you, but I can't.
l'm going to count to 10, all right?
lf there's any reason we should hold on
the story, hang up before l get to 10.
lf the story's all right, you just be on
the phone after l get to 10, all right?
-Hang up, right?
-That's right.
You got it?
l'm going to start counting.
Okay, l'm counting.
1 ...2...
You got it straight now?
Everything's okay?
Everything's fine.
We got it!
-He confirmed!
-What happened?
l said if l get up to 10 and you
don't hang up, it's solid.
-Did he confirm it?
We've got to tell Bradlee!
Bernstein got another source!
The guy at Justice confirmed!
lf there's any doubt,
we can run it tomorrow.
The story's solid. We're sure of it.
l just got off the phone with him. lt's gold!
Okay, we go with it.
-You know what it's about?
Sloan, who later resigned
as campaign treasurer...
...after the Watergate break-in...
...showed up for a deposition
in the common-cause suit on...
...disclosure of campaign contributions,
and denied naming Haldeman.
Would you comment on your testimony
before the Grand Jury?
My attorney will answer that question.
The answer is an unequivocal ''no. ''
Mr. Sloan did not implicate Mr. Haldeman
in that testimony at all.
Did he mention any use of funds
for espionage activity?
None, whatsoever.
Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you.
Sloan expanded his denial
to include his statements to the FBI...
...and to all federal authorities.
Shortly after, at the White House...
...News Secretary Ronald Ziegler
delivered a strong attack...
...on the Washington Post.
Why is the Post trying to do it?
You have a man...
...the editor of the Washington Post
by the name of Ben Bradlee.
I think anyone who
would want to honestly assess...
...what his political persuasions are,
...I think come to the conclusion,
quite quickly...
...that he is not a supporter
of President Nixon.
I respect the free press.
I don't respect that type of journalism...
...the shabby journalism that is
being practiced by the Washington Post.
All I know is that the story
that ran this morning...
...is incorrect and it's been so...
...stated as being incorrect...
...by not only me, but by the individual...
...whose Grand Jury,
secret Grand Jury testimony...
...they based their story on.
That individual has denied
that he ever so testified.
No sooner had Ziegler finished,
than the President's campaign manager...
...Clark MacGregor, met with reporters.
Using innuendo...
...third-person hearsay...
...unsubstantiated charges,
anonymous sources...
...and huge, scare headlines...
...the Post has maliciously
sought to give the appearance...
...of a direct connection between
the White House and the Watergate.
A charge which the Post knows...
...and half a dozen investigations
have found to be false.
The hallmark of the Post
campaign is hypocrisy...
...and its
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- текст Беловы на английском
- текст Челюсти на английском
- текст Ежик в тумане на английском
- текст Ремо Уильямс: Приключение начинается на английском
- текст Вий на английском

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