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Всемирный квартирный кошмар

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have a nationality.
I need your help.
To battle it away.
Do we have to do this?
We join as one...
And save the man.
But we don't know the chants.
Pray according to your beliefs.
He say...
We don't follow any religion.
We don't know what to do...
Any prayer will work.
As long as you're sincere.
Something bad is happening...
What is that?
That mask has...
...Tremendous power.
It's not for me.
For my sister.
Bastard, what're you doing?
Wait, let's hear his story.
When my Sister...
...Came to Japan.
She was constantly bullied,
and ended up killing herself.
...Hung herself in the bathroom of these apartments.
That's why...
I came here.
I was...
...Sent by...
...My family.
You're not special, I was
also sent by my family.
Everyone must expect conflict...
...Between countries.
But you can't curse an apartment
because of these squabbles.
This curse will only cause
hardships for our type.
Kara, shut up please.
Try helping people instead.
Sister's spirit will be happier.
I don't like the Japanese.
What happened here?
To me?
I'm so happy...
...You okay.
Tell me what happened, Chan.
Look at the Mirror...
...You'll know.
No more Asia...
...In this place.
No more...
World Apartment.
That voice...
That looks like...
...Brother Iri!
What's on your face?
Seems like I'm right on time...
You fucking set of...
...Asian bastards!
- Brother!
- Ita!
Fight with your brother.
This is a proud day for Japan.
Stop that.
Allow us to explain.
Stay back, filthy negro.
Friend of dirty Asian bastards.
Meet the greatest sword of all.
One that once belonged to...
Takeru Yamamoto, Japans famous vengeful samurai.
He slaughtered thousands
and is remembered with honour.
Now, in his name, I continue...
Try and run, you bastards.
Looks like Ita's having fun...
Listen, they helped me.
They helped me!
Tainted by...
Where are the others?
What're you doing here?
You idiots wouldn't understand.
I'm cleaning this mess up...
- Shut up.
You're still walking around...
...After all the museum bullshit?
Watch out!
- Don't break that mask!
Can't you see what's happening?
You're an embarrassment!
Stop it now!
Don't destroy this place.
This apartment's their's!
So, when did you become boss?
Perhaps it's not such a great sword...
It's here...
It's coming...
Now what...?
A grand day...
For the Japanese...!
This happen because of hate.
Brother Iri!
Hurry up!
You and your fried rice...
Hurry up...
You getting any better?
Better than what?
Hey, Kazu.
You fed my brother?
Oh, right away.
Shift, let me through.
Thanks for waiting.
{\i1}I must kill you!
{\i1}Can't you see what's happening?
Hurry up.
Let's go.
Ita, are you going?
- Yes.
The house still has pests...
I'm setting this off tonight.
Don't burn the place down.
Wait for me, Ita.
Say, do they have pest bombs in China?
The rats in Taiwan...
...Aren't afraid of 'em, anyway.
Всемирный квартирный кошмар

Читайте также:
- текст Гостья из будущего на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 10 на английском
- текст Семёрка Блейка на английском
- текст Восток - Запад на английском
- текст Окраина на английском

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