away, too. Rakusha? Rakusha is normally in Asian. Hey... You! Hey! Can't you hear me? Hey, you! I'm talking to you! You from India? Pakistan... - The same thing! I won't hurt you... ...If you leave the apartment. Listen. You have one week. One week to get outta this place! This apartment will be torn down. We're gonna build here. Yes, we'll build another building. Do you understand? I understand a little Japanese. You joking with me? What, then? Does your shoulder hurt? Do you want me to fix it? Excuse me, where is Iri? None of your business! Listen. Pack and leave here! Idiot! You! I'm not finished with you! Where'd you dirty Koreans live? Are you...the new boss? So you heard the news, then. Oh. You're the newspaper boy. We don't need the newspaper... Talking about me? I'm a Yakuza! Ah, Yakuson! Pleased to meet you. Hey, wait! Don't talk at the same time... I am... Listen. You must leave. Hear me? You have one week. Listening? Idiots! Hey! Hey, wait a minute! Open up. Open the door! Hey! I'm going crazy here... Hey. Hey! Idiot... Who are you? My name's Chan. What you say? Like the girl singer? You're too ugly to be Agnes Chan, idiot. You're not Japanese, right? Do you live here? In a group, no. Alone, yes. What the hell you saying? I'm Chinese. Studying...Japanese. In school. You can call me Chan. So, you do live here, right? No, I don't. I live alone. You need more Japanese lessons. But I give you credit for trying. A mirror image of a foreigner. Mirror? I'm a...mirror? Yes, you are. Mirror. I'm Ita from Kokuryukai. Listen carefully. We're tearing down the apartment. We're building a new place. Do you see what I'm saying? Stupid idiot... See? Don't fuck with me! I'll fit you up with some cement shoes... ...And chuck you in Tokyo river! You're here illegally, anyway... Nobody would miss you! You're talking too fast. Japanese is a difficult language... Course it is! You'll never understand it. Even the Japanese don't understand it! Who's he? Jose, a Philippine. He's a bouncer at cabaret. In his own country he has a wife, kids, father and mother. How many tenants live here? Come over sometime... Lot's of young girls available. Young...soft... Pretty, pretty girls. Fun and trashy. - What? The Pakistan, Mohammed. From Bangkok, Kara. And from China, Lu, Lu2, Lo, Lee, and me. And Jose. Okay, I'm gone. Quickly...bye. Bye. Oh, and Iri. And downstairs? Downstairs. No more, all left. Here...exists in apartment... What does? A ghost. What?! You stupid foreigner! You... Hey! Leave this place. What's going down? Fun? Quiet! Shut up! I'm gonna be late. I won. This isn't enough. Shut it. I'll pay later. One more, come on. Are you lot cheating? Um, eating? Shut up. No tricks, no cheating. So... ...Are you hungry, Yakuson? Idiot! Yakuson isn't my name. It's Ita. I made a mistake... ...Talking to them. This will... ...Force them out. That'll do it. What is this? {\i1}Today in Nagoya, at Astumi Museum, {\i1}there was a daring robbery, and a security guard was injured. {\i1}The thief is still on the run, and his whereabouts have yet to be traced. {\i1}The police are investigating and think {\i1}it may be Yakuza related. {\i1}The guard identified the thief as being {\i1}around 5 foot 10, age 30, and of medium build. {\i1}An ancient artifact dealing with Black Magic {\i1}was the focus of the robbery. {\i1}Certainly, this lends a bizarre twist {\i1}to this already bold robbery. {\i1}The museum has since informed us that {\i1}they have immediately increased security, {\i1}making such a robbery impossible in future. {\i1}In other news, {\i1}in Osaka... You bastards! This is Iri's gun. What happened to this apartment? Misaki. What's wrong? You sound scared. Idiot, don't shock me. What's wrong with you? How'd you know I was here? Kazu told me. Shit, the big ass. My butt isn't big.
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