sword of all. One that once belonged to... Takeru Yamamoto, Japan's famous vengeful samurai. He slaughtered thousands and is remembered with honour. Now, in his name, I continue... Killing! Try and run, you bastards. Looks like Ita's having fun... Listen, they helped me. They helped me! Then... You're... Tainted by... Asians! Where are the others? We're... Iri! What're you doing here? You idiots wouldn't understand. I'm cleaning this mess up... - Shut up. You're still walking around... after all the museum bullshit? Watch out! What? - Don't break that mask! What? Die! Can't you see what's happening? You're an embarrassment! Brother! Brother! Stop it now! Don't destroy this place. This apartment's their's! So, when did you become boss? Perhaps it's not such a great sword... It's here... It's coming... Okay... Now what? It's going to be... A grand day... For the Japanese! Brother! Brother! This happens because of the hatred. Brother Iri! Kokubu! Brother! Ita! Hurry up! You and your fried rice... Ita! Hurry up... You getting any better? Better than what? Hey, Kazu. You fed my brother? Oh, right away. Shift, let me through. Thanks for waiting. I must kill you! Can't you see what's happening? Hurry up. Let's go. Ita, are you going? - Yes. The house still has pests... I'm setting this off tonight. Don't burn the place down. Ah... Wait for me, Ita. Say, do they have pest bombs in China? The rats in Taiwan... aren't afraid of 'em, anyway. Subs by Ormic, Yuya and SalladinThat's why no one answered it. Brother... Brother Iri? Anybody there? Brother, you here? Taking a shit? Something's wrong... You there, brother Iri? Brother! It's me...Ita. Don't joke around. Open the door. Brother... Are you listening? A message from Kokubu... Are you listening? ...Brother! It's me, Ita. Honestly...Brother... Are you sure? It's me...Ita. Brother... Take it easy. You almost killed me. What'd you want? Kokubu said... He said... He couldn't reach you. So he asked me to come. Ah... What I mean is... Just call him. Are you alright? You look bad. Is it your health? - I'm okay. I'll see them tomorrow. Brother's not looking well... Maybe he's into heroin... Not good at all... Of course we've got nice girls. We brought 'em in from abroad. The hotel in downtown? Yeah, which? The Eden hotel? Right. Room Number? Right, 203. Thanks. Here's a job for you... Shinjuku. Royal Hotel. Room number 417. Hello, Machiko Club. Ah, yes, wait a second. Ita, it's Kokubu. It's Cindy. Talk to her. Yes, this is Ita. Idiot! What were you thinking? You sent a box of mangos. I wanted women not mangos! Are you stupid? Mangos are women? Kokuryukai isn't a grocery! Ita. ...Yeah? You misunderstood me? What's that supposed to mean? Are you that fucking stupid? You know the apartment house... Yes. - ...The one we're buying. I want you to handle it. What about brother Iri? I told him to contact you... - Ah, forget him. We'll deal with that. Our young members are in Taiwan. We don't have anybody else. But I'm busy with my own place... - You the only business person? The apartment job comes first. Alright. Ita, you run a good little place for us. But this is very important. Don't you agree? Yes, sir. International people live there. We need someone like you for it. Someone who understands international people. I know how to handle foreigners. Kokubu. - What? Do we need the girls from Seoul? Yes. We're expecting... Shouji. Shouji! What's going on? You didn't know? Brother Iri... Shouji! We can pay off Japanese tenants, but foreigners don't understand. Probably here illegally, anyway. You need to 'persuade' them out... And without resorting to killing anyone. Right? So, Machiko Club will be closed... For one week. I'll only give you one week. One week? Clean that place out. Do it. Nobody's home anymore. I'd love to get
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