drink, mess about... Screw the women, study hard. A cosy life... with kids. Anyway... it's time for... you to... Go home! Get outta here... Stupid foreigners! Japan is nice place. Everybody likes it. Disco, karaoke, disneyland, plenty of jobs. Taiwan is... a small country, getting better, everyday. I want... education here. Japan is rich... don't be cheap. Why'd you want us to leave? We can live together. Live? Together? I don't care! Just not in this apartment. Listen. I don't want to hurt you. Maybe I should report to immigration. Then you'll be out quicker. You foreigners make me sick! We're all the same. We're Asians. - Yeah! - That's right. Japanese aren't Asian. We're... Caucasian. Hey, what's going on? Wait! Open the door. Hey! Hey Kazu, check the fuse box. Kazu! Wait, I'm looking for it... Hey, Kazu. Get the phone. Oh. They went to work. Phone? What's wrong? Ita. Ita... Ita. Hey, Misaki! Hey! Wait... Misaki! Don't talk stupid. You know I can't leave the job. Huh, what? Brother Iri? I don't know anything. Don't go, Misaki? Hey! Ita... Ita... Ita... Ita? Are you alright? Be strong. You seem to have... nightmares. Every night. What? Since here, so loud. So loud, I can't study. You mean Kokubu? Yeah, the deadline has passed. Passed? It's been 10 days now. 10 days? Yes. Do it. Like your life depends on it. Yes. Do something now... about those rabbits. Or we'll take care of them and you. It'll be done tomorrow. Tell that to Kokubu. Water... Extinguisher... Brother, are you there? Brother? Brother... You there? Brother, don't fool around. Don't joke around. Are you listening? It's me. Brother... Can you hear me? Are you there, Brother? Can you hear me? He's disturbed, just like Iri. Worse than Iri. He needs help. We shouldn't get involved. This place is haunted. Back home we burnt down... 3 houses because of possession. It's real. In my village, my uncle died... Because of an angry demon. This place needs destroying. But then we can't play dice... Right. It's sad, no dice. Here, foreigners can live safely. There aren't many places left. Big man! This is my friend, Angel. I'm Chan. Witch doctor? To chase away evil. He's here... The artist... It's not Japanese. The evil... Isn't Japanese, either. Evil doesn't have a nationality. I need your help. To battle it away. Do we have to do this? We join as one... And save the man. But we don't know the chants. Pray according to your beliefs. He says: "Any... prayer... will... work". We don't follow any religion. We don't know what to do... Any prayer will work. As long as you're sincere. Something bad is happening... Kara... What is that? That mask has... tremendous powers. It's not for me. For my sister. Bastard, what're you doing? Wait, let's hear his story. When my sister came to Japan... she was constantly bullied, and ended up killing herself. She... hung herself in the bathroom of this apartment. That's why... I came here. I was... sent by... my family. You're not special, I was also sent by my family. Everyone must expect conflict... between countries. But you can't curse an apartment because of these squabbles. This curse will only cause hardships for our type. Kara, shut up please. Try helping people instead. Sister's spirit will be happier this way. I don't like the Japanese. What happened here? To me? I'm so happy... You okay? Tell me what happened, Chan. Look at the Mirror... And you'll know. No more Asia... In this place. No more... Japan. World Apartment. Ita! That voice... Iri! That looks like... Brother Iri! What's on your face? Seems like I'm right on time... You fucking bunch of... Asian bastards! - Brother! Wait. - Ita! Fight with your brother. This is a proud day for Japan. Stop that. Allow us to explain. Stay back, filthy negro. Friend of dirty Asian bastards. Meet the greatest
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