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Всемирный квартирный кошмар

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Yes, you are.
I'm Ita from Kokuryukai.
Listen carefully.
We're tearing down the apartment.
We're building a new place.
Do you see what I'm saying? Stupid idiot...
Don't fuck with me!
I'll fit you up with some cement shoes...
And chuck you in Tokyo river!
You're here illegally, anyway...
Nobody would miss you!
You're talking too fast.
Japanese is a difficult language...
Course it is!
You'll never understand it.
Even the Japanese don't understand it!
Who's he?
Jose, a Philippine.
He's a bouncer at cabaret.
In his own country he has a
wife, kids, father and mother.
How many tenants live here?
Come over sometime...
Lots of young girls available.
Young... soft...
Pretty, pretty girls.
Fun and trashy.
- What?
The Pakistan, Mohammed...
From Bangkok, Kara...
And from China: Wang,
Wang, Lo, Lee and me.
And of course: Josй.
Okay, I'm gone. See you.
Oh, and Iri.
And downstairs?
Downstairs. No more, all left.
Here... in this apartment...
A ghost lives here.
What?! You stupid foreigner!
Leave this place.
What's going down?
Shut up!
I'm gonna be late.
I won.
Come on, the money.
This isn't enough.
Shut it. I'll pay later.
One more, come on.
Are you lot cheating?
Um, eating?
Shut up. No tricks, no cheating.
Are you hungry, Yakuson?
Idiot! Yakuson isn't my name. It's Ita.
I made a mistake...
Talking to them.
This will...
force them out.
That'll do it.
What is this?
Today in Nagoya, at Atsumi Museum,
there was a daring robbery,
and a security guard was injured.
The thief is still on the run, and his
whereabouts have yet to be traced.
The police are investigating and think
it may be related to the Yakuza.
The guard identified the thief as being
around 5 foot 10, age 30,
and of medium build.
An ancient artifact dealing with Black Magic
was the focus of the robbery.
Certainly, this lends a bizarre twist
to this already bold robbery.
The museum has since informed us that
they have immediately increased security,
making such a robbery impossible in future.
In other news,
in Osaka...
You bastards!
This is Iri's gun.
What happened to this apartment?
What's wrong? You sound scared.
Idiot, don't shock me.
What's wrong with you?
How'd you know I was here?
Kazu told me.
Shit, the big ass.
My butt isn't big.
Just shut up, stupid.
This apartment...
I heard a monster lives here.
Seen a monster?
Only in my pants...
Everybody's looking.
I'm doing it on purpose.
After I screw her, I'm gonna screw you.
A ghost?
That's right.
Japanese tenants on 1st
floor left because of it.
That made Iri's job easier.
Who'd believe such a thing?
I think the story was made up by the Asians.
In an attempt to get rid of the Japanese.
And it seemed to work.
Are you saying Iri helped them?
Here it is.
Pest Control: Insect Bomb
Fire! Fire!
Help us please! Help!
Help, sir! We have nowhere else to go.
Please sir, put the fire out...
There is no fire.
We're just exterminating pests.
That's it, stupid!
And it looks like it's working.
Yeah, looks like it's working nicely.
Bring plenty of beer.
- Hey!
And get a receipt.
You fuckers did this!
Get out here!
Come out!
Come on out!
I know you guys did it.
Translate, tell them.
Did what?
What did we do?
The ghost trick.
You're trying to scare us off.
Shut up.
Don't try playing with me.
I know your plans.
Maybe you fucked up Iri...
But not us! We're not afraid.
You can't fool Japanese Yakuza.
We fool no one. Not Kuza.
The Japanese try to fool us.
If you don't like it, then go!
Go home!
To your own country.
Get outta this filthy place...
Quit all your lousy jobs!
We have... reason for here.
Do you want paying off?
Don't you have a goal in life?
Your country is calling you.
How about the nice life at home?
Have fun,
Всемирный квартирный кошмар Всемирный квартирный кошмар

Читайте также:
- текст Говорящая голова на английском
- текст Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки на английском
- текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском
- текст Крутой мир на английском
- текст Дневник его жены на английском

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