Visits every home and nest. Lullaby, lullaby, Sleep, my baby, do not cry. On the couch, on the bed Golden slumber in each head. Lullaby, lullaby... And not only for that hour and day were the mind and conscience darkened in that man, on whom the burden of all that had happened lay more heavily than on others. Never, down to the end of his life, had he the least comprehension of good, of beauty, of truth, of the significance of his own acts, which were too far opposed to truth and goodness, too remote from everything human for him to be able to grasp their significance. He could not disavow his own acts, that were lauded by half the world, and so he was forced to disavow truth and goodness and everything human. Enough, enough, men! Stop! Consider! What are you doing? To the men on both sides, exhausted for want of food and rest, the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another. Slay whom you will, do whatever you will, but I have had enough. And yet, some unfathomable and mysterious force led these men on and kept up the fearful work, which was done independently of their wills. A moral victory, that which compels the enemy to recognize the moral superiority of his opponent, and his own impotence, was won by the Russians at Borodino. The direct consequence of the battle of Borodino was Napoleon's causeless flight from Moscow, the ruin of the invading army of five hundred thousand men, and the downfall of the Napoleonic rule, on which, for the first time at Borodino, was laid the hand of a foe of stronger spirit! End of Part ThreeMOSFILM LEO TOLSTOY WAR AND PEACE PIERRE BEZUKHOV Directed by Sergei BONDARCHUK Screen Adaptation by Sergei BONDARCHUK, Vassily SOLOVIOV Director of Photography Anatoly PETRITSKY Production Designers Mikhail BOGDANOV, Gennady MIASNIKOV Music by Vyacheslav OVCHINNIKOV Sound by Yuri MIKHAILOV, Igor URVANTSEV English Subtitles by Tatiana Kameneva Starring Sergei BONDARCHUK as Pierre Bezukhov Liudmila SAVELYEVA as Natasha Rostova Vyacheslav TIKHONOV as Andrei Bolkonsky V. STANITSIN as Ilya Andreyevich Rostov K. GOLOVKO as Countess Rostova S. ERMILOV as Petya Rostov I. GUBANOVA as Sonya A. SHURANOVA as Princess Maria A. SYOMIN as Nikolushka B. SMIRNOV as Prince Vassily A. STEPANOVA as Scherer Boris ZAKHAVA as Kutuzov M. KHRABROV as Karatayev N. RYBNIKOV as Denissov S. CHEKAN as Tikhon Shcherbaty Vladislav STRZHELCHIK as Napoleon Jean-Claude BALLARD as Ramball Yu. MILLYAR as Morel B. MOLCHANOV as Davoust L. POLYAKOV as Lauriston The question we're meeting to to discuss is the question of the war. The question is: The salvation of Russia lies in her army. Is it better to risk the loss of the army and of Moscow by giving battle, or to abandon Moscow without a battle? This is the question on which I want your opinion. I do not consider that the game is lost. The only way in which we may still save our holy city is to launch an attack upon the adversary. Can it be that I'm the one who let Napoleon get so close to Moscow? And when did I do that? When was this frightful business decided? He was horrified at the thought of the order he had to issue. Well, gentlemen... I take it that it's up to me to pay the piper. Gentlemen, I have heard your opinions. Some of you will not agree with me, but I... I, by the authority entrusted in me by my Czar and my country, give the order to retreat. This I did not expect! This I never thought of! You should get some rest, Your Highness. Oh no! I shall make them eat horsemeat, just like the Turks! They will, too! If only... During the night of September 1, Kutuzov's order to retreat through Moscow by the Ryazan road was issued to the troops. Do you know, ma chere, I wanted to tell you... My dear Countess, an officer came to me to ask for carts to carry the wounded. Unload the carts! Use
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