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influence of wine
he would say to himself:
"I'll get it straightened out.
I have a solution already.
But I'll think it over later on!"
The trouble was
this "later on" never came.
Good morning, Uncle!
All's well and quick march!
I knew you couldn't resist it.
You had better attack at once,
for my Girchik reported
that the Ilaghins are out with
their hounds at Korniki.
They'll snatch the litter
right under your noses.
That's where I'm going.
Shall we join the packs?
Good morning, Uncle!
See? We're going too!
Good morning to you. Be careful
you don't trample the hounds.
We won't get in anyone's way.
We'll stay in our places.
A good thing too, little Countess,
only don't fall off your horse,
since there's nothing for a horse
to hold on to.
Have you seen Natalya Ilyinichna?
Where is she?
She and Pyotr Ilyich are standing
behind the high grass at Zharov.
A lady, but she has a great love
for the chase.
And you wonder at her riding, eh?
- It wouldn't be amiss for a man.
- Yes! So daring, so smart!
You old hag, don't scare the game
off, or old Danila'll curse you...
I know a thing or two myself!
They're on the track of the litter.
In the Lyadovsky uplands.
Stand still!
He slipped by you! Some hunters!
Dear Lord, what would it cost You
to do this for me?
I know it's a sin
to ask You such a thing.
But please, let the wolf
come out my way!
Just once in my life let me get
a hermit wolf, that's all I want!
Keep going or go back?
Keep going!
What a magnificent wolf!
- A real hermit wolf, eh?
- The meanest one, Your Excellency.
As mean as you are, Danila.
That's my little Countess,
all's well, quick march!
I never saw an amazon like her!
Dawn to sundown, riding sidesaddle,
and she's as fresh as a daisy!
Have a taste of this,
little Countess.
Come on, Petya, wake up!
Taste some of this, it's delicious!
This is how I'm finishing my days.
When you die, there's nothing left
at all. All's well, quick march.
So why complain...
Open the door! Why have you
shut it?
That's my coachman.
I've bought him a good balalaika.
How nice! It's really good.
What do you mean, good?
It's simply enchanting!
Please, go on! Play some more.
You enjoy it, little Countess?
He plays very well, doesn't he?
That's not the way to do it.
You should hear trills there,
all's well, quick march!
Can you play, Uncle?
Anisya, will you see if the strings
are all right on the guitar?
I haven't touched it for a long
time, all's well, quick march!
Beautiful, Uncle! Go on! More!
Please, dear Uncle!
Now then, my dear niece...
Where, when, how had this little
Countess, reared in silk and velvet
by a French governess,
ever managed to absorb,
with only the air she breathed,
this manner that was so typically
And yet the spirit and gestures
were precisely
and inimitably Russian, which
her uncle expected to find in her.
How did she manage to grasp
everything that was in Anisya,
in Anisya's father, in her mother,
in every Russian man or woman?
Well done, my little Countess!
That's my niece!
All you need now is to pick out
a worthy young man for a husband!
He's already picked out.
Yes, and a very good one!
What did Nikolai's smile mean when
he said, "he's already picked out"?
He acts as if he thought that my
Bolkonsky wouldn't understand,
wouldn't approve of this wonderful
time we're having.
But he would understand.
Where is he now?
But I mustn't think about him.
Night has laid out a blanket
Of the newly-fallen snow.
Swept it over every pathway
In the field of predawn glow.
It's not sorrow that's eating
A good fellow, it's woe.
A good fellow is grieving...
- What are you thinking about?
- Me? Wait.
I was thinking that here we're
driving thinking we're going home.
But actually, we're going Heaven
knows where
and finally we'd arrive and find
we weren't at Otradnoye,
but that we were in a fairy land.
And then I thought...
No, that was all.
Война и мир Война и мир

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- текст Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино на английском
- текст Зеркальце на английском
- текст Машенька на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры на английском
- текст Зелёный слоник на английском

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