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Count Rostov.
- Just once more!
- But when are you coming to bed?
I can't sleep anyway.
What can I do?
Oh, isn't it lovely?
Now let's go to bed!
You go. I can't.
Sonya, how can you sleep?
Just look how lovely it is.
Oh, wake up, Sonya!
There's never been
such a beautiful night.
Will you look at that moonlight?
Oh, it's marvelous!
Come and look, please, my dear.
You see?
It makes me want to sit down
on my heels, like this,
put my arms around my knees...
and hug them tight,
as tight as I can,
and then I'd fly up. Like this!
Yes, it was here, in this forest,
that I saw that oak,
with which we agreed.
But where is it?
Yes, it's the same oak!
I loved you all.
I've done no harm to anyone.
And now what have you done to me?
We must live. We must love.
We must believe that we're not only
living now on this lump of earth,
but that we have lived and shall
live forever, in everything.
No, life is not over at thirty-one.
It's not enough for me to know
what I have in me.
Everyone else must know it too:
Pierre and that little girl
who wanted to fly away.
Everyone must know me
so that my life won't be spent
for myself alone.
My life must be reflected in theirs,
and all the others must live
my life with me!
End of Film OneMOSFILM
Directed by
Screen Adaptation by
Director of Photography
Production Designers
Music by Vyacheslav OVCHINNIKOV
Sound by Yuri MIKHAILOV
English Subtitles by
Tatiana Kameneva
as Natasha Rostova
Sergei BONDARCHUK as Pierre Bezukhov
Vyacheslav TIKHONOV as Andrei Bolkonsky
V. STANITSIN as Ilya Andreyevich Rostov
K. GOLOVKO as Countess Rostova
O. TABAKOV as Nikolai Rostov
S. ERMILOV as Petya Rostov
I. GUBANOVA as Sonya
as Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky
A. SHURANOVA as Princess Maria
V. LANOVOY as Anatole
O. EFREMOV as Dolokhov
A. BORISOV as the Rostov Uncle
N. MORDIUKOVA as Anisya Fyodorovna
Ye. TYAPKINA as Akhrosimova
K. POLOVIKOVA as Drubetskaya
E. MARTSEVICH as Drubetskoy
A. STEPANOVA as Scherer
G. KRAVCHENKO as Karaghina
V. MURGANOV as Alexander I
V. STRZHELCHIK as Napoleon
In June of 1807,
in Tilsit,
the meeting of the emperors Alexander
and Napoleon took place.
In the meantime, life,
the actual life of people,
with its concerns
of health, sickness,
work, rest,
and the interest people take
in thinking, the sciences, poetry,
love, friendship, hatred, passion,
went on as usual, independently
and outside of the political issue
of friendship or war with
Napoleon Bonaparte.
January, February, March, April...
Come on, speak, Mama.
This won't do, my dear.
Not everyone can understand
your childhood friendship.
Seeing you two being so close
may be detrimental to you,
and what's more important, it's
making him wretched for nothing.
He might have already found a good
match, and now he's going crazy.
Is he?
I'll tell you about myself.
I had a cousin...
I know, Kirill Matveyevich.
But he's an old man.
He was not always old.
I'll speak to Boris.
He mustn't come so often.
- Why not, if he wants to?
- Because it can't come to anything.
Mama, what nonsense!
All right, I won't marry him, but let
him come if we both enjoy it.
Not to be married, but -just so...
- How so, my dear?
- Oh, just so.
I don't want to get married at all.
Just so...
Stop laughing.
You're shaking the bed.
You're so much like me,
just another giggler.
Well, is he very much in love?
What do you think?
Did someone love you as much?
Besides, he's very nice.
Only not quite to my liking.
He's so narrow, like the grandfather
clock in the dining-room.
- Do you know what I mean?
- No.
- Narrow, gray, light-colored...
- What nonsense you talk!
Don't you really understand?
Nikolenka would understand.
Bezukhov, for
Война и мир Война и мир

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