limits cannot be exceeded. There's never been a case that one has lived after the 3rd stroke. What an iron constitution he had! Who's going to inherit all this? It will not go begging. Have courage. He has summoned you here and that's good. Some water? Pierre? Would you like us to call Prince Vassily? The master wants to be moved over on his side. For I am in trouble, and receive Thou my soul and deliver it. Ye who are my kinfolk in the flesh, and ye who are my brethren in the spirit, my friends and wonted acquaintances, weep ye, sigh, wail; for Io, now I am departing from you. Let go, I tell you! I'll take the responsibility. You don't know what you're doing. - You vile woman. - Let go! What are you doing? He's about to die and you leave me here alone! Yes, you've been waiting for that. You may rejoice now. Ah, my friend. We sin, we cheat. And what is the point? I'm already in my 50s, my friend... We'll all die. Death is horrible. He is no more. Come on, I'll see you out. Try to cry. Nothing gives better relief than tears. God will be with you. You are young and now, I hope, you've come into possession of a big fortune. Ever since Czar Paul I has exiled him to his estate, the General-in-Chief, Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky, nicknamed in high society "The King of Prussia", had never left his estate property "Bald Hills" where he dwelt with his daughter, Princess Maria. Are you well? Sit down. For tomorrow... Wait, there's a letter for you. - From Eloise? - Yes, it's from Julie. I'm going to let you have two more letters, the third one I'll read. I'm afraid, you're writing a lot of nonsense. - You may read this, Father. - I said, the third! Well, young lady... These triangles are similar. As you can see, the sides A, B and C of a triangle... The strict order of life at Bald Hills could not be broken even by such an event as saying goodbye to his son. It's so much like him... What an intelligent man is your father. Perhaps, that's the reason I'm so afraid of him. Please, sit down. Be seated, Mikhail Ivanovich. You should walk as much as possible. Against your will, He will save you and have mercy and will turn you to Himself, because only in Him you'll find truth and comfort. Please, take it, Andrei, for my sake. - You're going? - I came to say goodbye. Kiss me. Thank you. Why do you thank me? Because you're not wasting time, hanging on to the woman's skirt. Service before everything. Thank you very much. If you have anything to say, speak. I can do two things at one time. It's my wife. I'm sorry to leave her on your hands. Nonsense. Tell me what you want. When it's time for her to deliver, could you send for an obstetrician? I know nothing can be done if Nature doesn't condescend to yield. I agree that out of a million cases only one goes amiss. But she's worried and it so happens I am too. She's heard stories, had nightmares and she's afraid. I'll do it. It's bad, isn't it? - What is bad, father? - The wife! I don't understand you. There's nothing you can do, my friend. They're all like that. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. And you know it yourself. But you can't help it. She's beautiful! I'll do everything. Don't worry. Give this letter to Mikhail Illarionovich. I'm asking him not to use you as aide-de-camp for too long. It's very ugly work! You'll tell him he enjoys my admiration and affection. Write me how he's welcomed you. Stay with him if he's worthy. Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky's son doesn't need any favors. Now come here. My time will come before yours does. Here are some notes I've written. Make sure the Czar gets them. Here's a letter of credit and one for the Academy. The prize will go to the man who is to write the story of Suvorov's campaigns. Here are a few personal jottings. Read them when I'm gone. You'll find them worth your while. I'll carry out all
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