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how it is with Karatayev;
he is absorbed and has disappeared.
How simple it is and how clear.
How was it I didn't know it before?
Life is everything.
That soldier wouldn't let me pass.
They have taken me, shut me up.
They keep me prisoner.
Who, me? Me!
My immortal soul!
And all that is mine!
It's all within me!
I am all that!
From the general. I'm sorry.
It isn't quite dry yet.
But who is this? A prisoner?
May I speak to him?
Rostov! Petya! Why didn't you
say who you were?
Is it all right if I stay a day
or so?
I was told to find out things.
That way I will find out.
But let me go into
the thick of things.
- I want to go...
...to the thick of things.
Won't you put me in command
for once?
Why, what would it be to you?
- You want a knife?
- Mighty good knife.
Keep it.
I have many like it.
Oh, I almost forgot...
I have some capital raisins with me,
seedless raisins.
I bought ten pounds.
I'm used to sweet things.
Gentlemen, help yourselves.
Don't you need a coffee pot?
I got one from our canteen-keeper.
He has nice things for sale.
And he's very honest.
I'll surely send it to you.
Might I call that boy
who was taken prisoner?
Perhaps we'll give him something
to eat?
Yes, I really pity the lad.
Fetch him!
- I'll call him.
- Vincent's his name.
Ah, how jolly it is! How splendid!
A Rostov! Blood will always tell.
Well, Karabakh, we'll see some
action tomorrow.
Why are you still up, sir?
Ah, Likhachev, isn't that your
The night before a big battle,
I don't sleep.
You wouldn't need any flint
for your pistol, would you?
No, thank you.
I brought along some flints.
Don't you want any?
Some people don't look ahead and
then they're sorry. I don't like it.
Yes, you're right.
Would you please sharpen my
saber? It's dull.
- Would you do that?
- Of course, why not?
- The men are all asleep?
- Some are. Some aren't, like us.
And the French boy, Vincent?
Vincenny? Oh, he's curled up
in the entrance.
Oh yes, I must be dreaming.
It's only in my ears.
All ready, your Lordship.
You'll be able to cut a Frenchman
in two with it.
One thing I beg of you, to obey me
and not to put yourself forward.
The signal!
Go around!
Wait for the infantry!
Wait? Hurrah!
- Done for!
- Killed!
My son! No, it's not true!
Natasha! It's not true!
Leave me alone, all of you!
It's not true! They killed him...
- Mama, darling...
- No, it can't be true.
Mama, darling, please...
No, no, no, it's not true...
Natasha, you love me?
I want you to tell me the truth.
Mama darling!
Napoleon had left his army
and was returning to Paris,
under a borrowed name
of Prince Vitzenski.
Soldiers, I will keep
all my promises.
I want you
to see your Emperor
surrounded by the grandeur
and splendor
that befit the sovereign of
the first nation in the world.
Soldiers, thanks to you, those who
had the insolent pretension
of shattering my crown,
are now beaten and annihilated,
exemplifying the truth of my motto:
"God gave it to me,
woe to whomever touches it!"
It's no longer our frontiers
which must be defended,
but the enemy states
which must be invaded.
Soldiers, by promising peace
to the French people,
I was your voice.
You conquered
the Rhine, Holland and Italy
and dictated peace beneath
the walls of an astonished Vienna.
Soldiers, you wish to return to
France only by the path of honor.
And we will return to our fatherland
through arches of triumph!
Soldiers, here is the battle
for which you've yearned.
Henceforth victory depends on you.
It will give you abundance and
a prompt return to your fatherland.
Behave as you did
at Austerlitz,
Vitebsk, Smolensk,
and may your descendants
say with pride of each of you:
"He was in that great battle
beneath the walls of Moscow!"
Happy the people who,
in the moment of trial,
asks no questions how others would
act by the rules in such cases,
but with ease picks up the first
Война и мир Война и мир

Читайте также:
- текст Двое - это слишком на английском
- текст Пугало на английском
- текст Выжившие на английском
- текст Авалон на английском
- текст ДМБ-002 на английском

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