the boulevards. To return to your ladies, what a chance they have lost. We have taken Vienna, Berlin, Rome, Naples, Madrid, Warsaw. We are feared, but we are loved. And then the Emperor... What of the Emperor? He's the greatest man of the centuries, past and to come. Is he in Moscow? No, he will make his entry tomorrow. We are sad, aren't we? Morel! Warm us another bottle! - It's not in Mytischi, but further. - Right, it looks like Moscow. Mytischi's over there, and this is on the other side. I say it is flaring. That is Moscow burning, either in Suschevsky or in Dubrovsky. It's awful! I think all Moscow's burning. What a dreadful glow! Natasha, look! You can see it from the window. Look how it's burning. What's burning? Ah, yes, Moscow... - You didn't even look. - Yes, I did. I saw. Ever since Natasha had been told that Prince Andrei had journeyed with them, that she couldn't see him because he had a serious wound, though his life was not in danger, she had disbelieved everything she'd been told, but being convinced that she would always be told the same thing, she no longer asked questions. You're trembling! You had better lie down. Yes, I will lie down. - Come lie down in my bed. - No, I'll lie down on the floor. Mama! You? What a blessing! - Forgive me. - I love you. - Please, forgive me. - Forgive you what? Forgive me for everything I did. I love you more... better than before. He had to stay in Moscow, concealing his identity, and to kill Napoleon, so as either to perish or to put an end to the misery of all Europe. She's burned to death! Oh, help me, good people, good Christians! I left my poor daughter there! She's burned to death! The fire started up next door, then it spread to our home. We ran out as we were, taking only icons and my bed. And we saved the children, but we couldn't find Katenka! Where did you last see her? My good sir, my benefactor! Set my heart at rest, please! Anniska, you horrid girl! Show him the way! Show me the way. I'll see what I can do... She has burned to death... This way, sir. We'll have to go by the alley. Which is your house? Right here! That's where our place was. She's burned to death! My little treasure! My darling little mistress! Haven't you seen a child in that house? I did hear something crying in the garden. Perhaps it's the fellow's brat. Ah, a little girl. So much the better. Must be humane. We're all mortal, you know. Have you lost someone, my good man? You're of the gentry, aren't you? Whose child is it? A woman was sitting here with her children. Where has she gone? It must be the Anferovs' child. The Anferovs left early today. It's Maria Nikolayevna's. He says a woman, and Maria Nikolayevna's a lady. It's Maria Nikolayevna's all right. They left for the garden. Here, take the child. Give her to her parents. Let that woman alone! Arrest him! Lieutenant, he has a dagger! He looks very like an arsonist. Sir! What about the little girl? Who will I give her to, if I can't find her mother? What does she want? She's carrying my daughter, whom I have just saved from the flames! Goodbye! Most high and gracious Emperor and Czar... Calm and luxurious, troubled only about phantoms and reflections of real life, the life in St. Petersburg went right on as always. Great efforts were required to realize the difficult situation of the Russian people and the danger besetting them. This time, at a soiree at Scherer's, they were reading the letter sent by the Metropolitan to the Czar along with an icon of Saint Sergey. Let the insolent and arrogant Goliath from the borders of France bring to Russia the horrors of death. Humble faith, the sling of the Russian David... The other big news was the sudden death of Helen Bezukhov. My failing strength hinders me from the joy of your most gracious presence. Who are you? I know this man. You cannot
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