such a treasure... She's such a rare girl. I'm asking you, don't try to rationalize, have no doubts, marry her, and I'm sure that there will never be a happier man. - But how about her? - She loves you. - Nonsense, Pierre. - Yes, I know it. - I must talk to someone about it. - Go on, I'd be glad to. It had to happen that he came to St. Petersburg when we were here. And we had to meet at that ball. It was Fate, I'm sure. Yes, it must have been that. For me now, the world is divided into two. She is one part where you find happiness, hope and light. The other part is all where she isn't, and that's all gloom. Gloom and darkness. Yes, I know what you mean. Can a man help preferring light to gloom? I'm so happy. - I know you're glad for my sake. - Yes, yes. Mama, darling, how I love you! How happy I am! Three weeks went by. Not once did Prince Bolkonsky call on the Rostovs. Natasha, darling, perhaps he's ill. After all, he was wounded at Austerlitz. Please, don't, Mama! I don't want to think about him. He just started visiting us and then stopped. And I don't feel like getting married. I'm afraid of the man. I mean what I'm saying. Why think that much about it? Things are fine as they are. Yes, that's me! And I don't need anyone. What a charming creature that Natasha is! She's pretty, has a nice voice, she is young, she doesn't bother anyone. Just leave her alone! Mama, Bolkonsky is here! Mama, it's awful! I don't want to be tortured! Who's here? Why? Oh please, Natasha! It's such a long time since we have had the pleasure... I haven't been to visit you because I had to see my father. There was something very important I had to talk to him about. I would like to speak to you, Countess. Go, Natasha, I will call you. Lord, have pity on me. Lord, please help me. Well, Mama? Go to him. He's asking for your hand. Can it be that this stranger has become everything to me now? Now he's dearer to me than anything else in the world. Since the very first minute I saw you I have loved you. Please say that I can hope. Why ask? Why doubt what it's impossible not to know? Why talk when you can't express with words what you feel? - Do you love me? - Oh yes, yes... - What is it? Is something wrong? - I feel so happy. Now, Prince Andrei no longer felt the same love for her as before. Something within him had changed. There was none of the former poetic charm of attraction, only a kind of pity for her feminine and childish weakness, a sort of terror before her devotion and trustfulness. Although this new feeling was not as poetic as the old one, it was stronger and more serious. Did your mother tell you that we cannot be married for a year? Is it possible that it's me? Is it possible that from now on I'm to be the wife, the equal of this stranger, who is so intelligent and charming, whom even my father looks up to? Can it be true that life is no longer a game, that now I'm responsible for everything I do and say? But what was it he asked me? You are so young, and I've already been through such a great deal. It's for you that I'm afraid. You don't know yourself yet. Difficult as it is for me to wait an entire year, delaying my happiness, it will give you some time to test yourself. I'm asking you to make me happy in a year. But till then you are free. Our engagement will remain secret. And should you find that you do not love me... Why do you say that? From the first day you came to Otradnoye, I have loved you. In one year you will learn to know yourself. A whole year? Why wait a year? Can't anything be done? It's frightening! I'll die waiting a year! Why, it's so awful! No! I'll do anything. I feel so happy! There was no ceremony and their betrothal was not announced to anyone. Don't go. I beg you, Natalie, God knows what may happen. Perhaps you will stop loving me... I know I shouldn't talk about that.
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