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Восток - Запад

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  
They don't suspect me.
They'll think...
...you tricked me
Come with us
The Embassy will protect you,
but I'm a Soviet citizen
Tea, please
Have you seen anyone
from our delegation?
Not yet
Go ahead
I'll join you
I promise
Come on, Mummy
You have your room key?
Yes, thank you
Put these on.
They'll think you're Westerners
Outside the Embassy...
...there's a checkpoint
For you, Marie
It's yours
Vanished! Gone!
It's a mistake, let me through.
I'll find them
You knew!
Admit it!
You knew!
We'll all be in trouble
because of you
Me especially
Don't worry, it will all be okay
Get your passport ready
-Keep going. Don't stop.
What's the matter?
Let them in!
You're in France. You're free
Follow me
Fetch some water, quick!
My God...
To communicate with Gabrielle...
...Papa had to wait
for French delegations
He always risked being denounced
It took months to get her replies
When it was confirmed for Sofia...
...he told me everything
I didn't know what to do
We talked it over endlessly
I don't want to lose you again
The Ambassador wasn't pleased
He gave me a real telling off
The Bulgarians will let you go,
...they're demanding something
in exchange
They want France...
...to refuse asylum to a dissident
and send him back here
But you're safe now
I won't go without him
What do you mean?
Without Alexei
He must come, too
Marie, Alexei won't come
We can do nothing for him.
He knows that
He fought for years for this,
to get you out
Nothing else mattered
Tell me, Alexei
It's important. I have to know
Did you know what she was planning?
Did you help her?
No, I didn't know
When I realised
they had left the hotel...
...it occurred to me
they had run away
But I was sure
Even now, I still am
Just in time...
...for the train
That same day...
...we left Bulgaria...
...re-entering the free world
via Greece
l can't rememberit. I was asleep
Alexei was sent to Sakhalin...
a Russian island in the Pacific,
as medic in the labourcamp
Thirty years on, the Soviet Union
opened up under President Gorbachev
Alexei was permitted
to come to France in 1987
Subtitles: Simon John
SubRip: Zdenda
Восток - Запад

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