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Вокзал для двоих

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
What if your hair's touched with
It's never Iate to choose new roads.
To stake it aII have no fright,
Cast off yourseIf you past Iife Ioads.
Going out in a rainy weather,
Stir up your spirits and your
shouIders unbend.
Don't be afraid of a new endeavor,
And over Iife, and over Iife
Just try to get an upper hand!
BeIieve in chimeras, mystification!
Of your beIongings you'II need none,
OnIy death's your finaI destination.
Just try to get your Iife redone.
Don't ever cry, have no pity
If no trump card there's to throw in.
Your own Iife contribute in the kitty!
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid,
Who never Ioses, he wiII never win!
Oh, my darIing... my onIy one...
I Iove you... so much...
Go on, pIease, go on.
Hurry up, pIease...
You're waIking... just fine...
you're waIking fine.
- OnIy too sIowIy.
- Yes. What time is it?
Seven minutes Ieft. Come on, go.
I can't... I can't... I can't...
Look how beautifuI it is!
How beautifuI!
There, that's your fence.
The fence.
We're aImost there.
Why did you stop?
- I can't go on.
- Just a IittIe bit more, pIease.
- Go on, go...
- I'II never make it.
Give it to me.
No, no...
I'II do it... I'II do it!
Vera, Iet me carry it. Oh, damn!
You see?..
Get up...
Get up...
- I'II carry it.
- Don't faII.
Ryabinin. Ryabinin!
Hey, you! Over there! He's here!
- I'm here!
- Ryabinin's here! You hear me?!
Hey, you, on the tower!
He's here! Ryabinin's here!
He's here!
The roII caII of section four done.
One is absent.
- Who?
- Convict Ryabinin.
- PIay?
- Yes.
So he's not back.
Right. It's an escape.
- PIay! LoudIy! Hurry!
- Yes.
Come on. There you go.
Don't faII.
Come on,
Iouder, Iouder...
Good, stiII Iouder...
No, he's here.
He's back.
- GoIyabkin!
- Here!
- BIokhin!
- Here!
- Ivanov!
- Here!
- Fomichyov!
- Here!
- Goryshkin!
- Here!
- Borovsky!
- Here!
- Kukunin!
- Here!
- AIimov!
- Here!
- Ryabinin!
- Here!
The roII caII of Section 2 done.
No one absent without Ieave.
The roII caII of Section 3 done.
No one absent without Ieave.
The roII caII of Section 4 done.
No one absent without Ieave.
- Take them to the barracks.
- Yes, sir!
Left turn! Quick march!
Ryabinin, stay behind.
Come here.
You're Iucky, your wife's here.
- Why?
- She wants a visit with you.
I didn't ask her to. I don't want
this visit.
She took a train, then a pIane,
then a 24-hour bumpy truck ride.
I don't care, I'm not going.
You wiII go without convoy.
I trust you.
Where to?
She's taken a room in the viIIage.
Here, the address.
You drop by Ivan Gerasimovich
and pick up the accordion he fixed.
You're a musician, this is your
department. Check if he fixed it right.
- Yes, sir.
- That's better.
You can't refuse to go
to pick up the accordion.
But mind you, Ryabinin,
at 8 sharp you are to stand in Iine.
Your Ieave is untiI the morning roII
caII. Tardiness wiII mean an escape.
How far is the viIIage?
Not far, about nine or ten kiIometers.
And don't think of bringing in booze,
a knife or money. I'II find it anyway.
I know.
Your pass is good untiI 8 a.m.
Be here on the dot.
If you're Iate, it'II mean an escape.
You'II do an additionaI time. Go!
Written by EmiI BRAGINSKY
Director of Photography
Production Designer
Music by
Song Lyrics by EIdar RYAZANOV
EngIish SubtitIes by
T. Kameneva and K. Ryabko
Andrei - Nikita MIKHALKOV
UncIe Misha - Nonna MORDYUKOVA
NikoIasha - MikhaiI KONONOV
Marina - Tatiana DOGILEVA
VioIetta - OIga VOLKOVA
Shurik - AIexander SHIRVINDT
Lyuda - Raissa ETUSH
MeIon vendor - Temur YUNGUSOV
Attention, passengers! Our
Вокзал для двоих Вокзал для двоих

Читайте также:
- текст Конец Вечности на английском
- текст Девочки хотят повеселиться на английском
- текст Банзай, режиссёр! на английском
- текст Жизнь Эмиля Золя на английском
- текст Сорок первый на английском

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