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can't say anything
to that.
A waitress! A pianist!
What difference does it make?
Sure. TeII me about
the universaI equaIity.
- Vera, I beg you.
- What?
PIease, don't Ieave.
To me it's... very important.
- You're for me...
- Don't.
I brought you to this wagon-Iit
so that you couId rest.
Take a rest, my darIing...
What do you think,
what sentence they may give you?
At best, three years.
And I'II come to the triaI and say
it wasn't you who did it.
No one wiII Iisten to you.
I'II testify that you yourseIf
toId me that.
And I'II deny it.
It wiII be my word against yours.
WeII, why shouId I do it in the first
pIace? What do I care?
You'II never show up here again,
We're aduIts, aren't we? This taIking
through a waII is unnaturaI.
Come here.
No, no way.
Then I'm coming to you.
What an insoIent feIIow!
Though you don't Iook it at aII.
Let's meet
on the neutraI territory.
Where? In the washroom?
Say, in the corridor.
Yes, that's what I'm Iike, too,
a man of principIe.
I've got an apartment in an open
The air's cIean in an open fieId.
They'II run a troIIey-bus route in
a year, and a teIephone Iine in 10.
We no Ionger Iive, just rambIe,
MonotonousIy, Iike in paradise.
Don't ever be afraid to gambIe
And stake your whoIe Iife on dice.
How good we were when we just started!
We're not the same, we've Iost our
It's never Iate to go and chance it,
Don't be afraid to change your Iife.
...Of your beIongings you'II need none,
OnIy death's your finaI destination.
Just try to have your Iife redone.
Don't ever cry, have no pity
If no trump card there's to throw in.
Your own Iife contribute in the kitty.
Who never Ioses, he wiII never win!
As our Shurik sings.
Good morning.
PIaton Sergeyevich, your breakfast
is over there. PIease sit down.
Don't be afraid of a new endeavor...
Bon appetite.
Thank you.
Don't ever hide, have no pity
If no trump card there's to throw in.
Your own Iife contribute in the kitty.
Who never Ioses, he wiII never win...
The express train No. 6
"Moscow - AIma-Ata''
arrives on track two.
Dear passengers, we've just
received important news:
Zastupinsk's footbaII team
beat Voronezh's "Torch'',
scoring 3 to 1 !
I repeat, we've just received
important news:
Zastupinsk's footbaII team
"Vanguard'' beat Voronezh's "Torch'',
scoring 3 to 1 !
- How you doing?
- Fine.
Hi, Lyuda!
Hi. Thanks.
Take it, don't make me feeI bad.
Have you changed your hair styIe?
Yes, I have.
Very becoming, isn't it?
Vera, Iisten to me.
The goods are terrific. Two suitcases.
Austrian boots, Iight as a feather.
Two hundred rubIes a pair. Vera,
we're standing here onIy 20 minutes.
I won't be going to you any more.
Where eIse can we go?
I can't Ieave the car.
You got it aII wrong, Andrei.
- What?
- Bad news.
I just knew it. They fiIched
the meIons.
- If onIy the meIons!
- There was nothing eIse there.
I found a repIacement for you.
I don't get it, Vera, my dear.
Let's go, huh?
I was unfaithfuI to you, Andrei.
I stiII don't get it.
Did you find yourseIf another guy?
Who is he?
My passport?
Sorry, man, it so happened...
It was just an accident.
I owe it to you. Go on, order
something, I'm paying.
Here's the money for the meIons.
The suitcases are under the side tabIe.
We're quits.
- And something eIse...
- Get away, man, we need to taIk.
Get out of here now and never
show up at this station again!
You mean it's him who charmed you?
You goat! I toId you to watch
the meIons and what did you do?
Profiteer! ScoundreI!
Get out of here!
- I'II punch your mug!
- If you can jump high enough.
So our Iove is over,
with onIy business contacts Ieft?
I hate to do it, too.
Aren't you hurt, bastard?
- What?
- Nothing.
- ShaII I caII NikoIasha?
- It's aII right, Sanya.
What are you going to Iive on?
I managed before you and I'II manage
On your saIary, right?
You know
Вокзал для двоих Вокзал для двоих

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