certificate! She's not my woman. A certificate from my own pIot, that's why I seII cheaper. You're a second-hand deaIer yourseIf! You think your tomatoes grow on trees? It's your meIons that grow on trees! Come on, what's so funny? The man's just kidding. You'd better go, baIdie, and watch your worm-eaten tomatoes. What the heII is going on? You can't get away from those city swindIers! - I bet he bought them from conductors. - That's why he overprices them! CaII the poIice! I'II be a witness! - No poIice, friends! - He's right. The poIice are no chums to us. Let's just give him a coupIe of punches. Good peopIe! That's my debut at the market pIace! Perhaps it's not quite a success. PIease, heIp me. HeIp me to get rid of those damned meIons. HeIp me, buy them by the barreI. I mean, by the buIk, aII together. Hurry up, baIdie, it's a bargain. I pay a rubIe a kiIo for the Iot. No way. For a rubIe a kiIo, he'II eat them himseIf, right? For a rubIe a kiIo, I'II eat them myseIf. AII right, one rubIe 20 kopecks. No, it's robbery! - One rubIe 30 kopecks. - No! One rubIe 40 kopecks. That's my Iast word. No, I can't, I must return to my boss one rubIe 50 kopecks. We gave you a good price. You can't Iose on it, it's a bargain! Don't be stingy, seIIers! Oh, what the heck! Who wants Tchaidzhui meIons? As sweet as honey! As smooth as maidens! Come on, buy before they go! Come, foIks, there's nothing phony! They're haIf sugar, haIf honey! One rubIe fifty a kiIo! But when you said ''Kind folk, this is my performance on the market''… I thought... - You are just as bad... I thought I'd burst out laughing. What about the rotten tomatoes? "These melons are as smooth as maidens, as sweet... as honey..." You have charmed me! You have made an excellent impression as if you are seeing me for the first time in you life. I was really amased, honestly. Oh yeah, really. I am capable of other things. But we have not earnt anything today. Yeah, forgive me, I am not a good businessman. I forgive you. Oh well... See you later. Thank you. Where are you going? Going to the waiting room, where else? See you later. Hang on! Come here! Very well. Hold this. You are going to the railway station anyway. Take the trolley away, give the suitcases to the storage area and say this, everything is from me.. I will take it, give it and say ... Good. Thank you. Right then? I'm going home. See you later. See you later. Excuse me, but your bus is departing from the railway station. I am going on the tram. Why are you going to get pushed around in the public transport and spend all that money? Allow me to give you a lift, in my own car? I never thought that I would be a rickshaw. And how is it? A very beautiful load. Am I undertanding you right? Are you flirting with me? I would, with pleasure, but I am not in the mood. It's a shame. Please forgive me, for me being rude to you this morning. - I can do it too. - Yah-yeah... Why have you stopped? I'm being a public transport now. Can you see, a red light. - O-o-oh... Yeah... Why are standing when everyone has got going? Well, yes! Do you have children? A student daughter: jeans, disks… Is your wife beautiful? Beautiful. What about her figure? Will knock you of your feet. This shed is very shakey. You have a remarcable smile. Honestly. Stop! I will get off. I can't. Do you see the sign ''No stopping allowed''? Forgive me... Forgive me my stupidity for gods sake. Understand, that only an idiot like me, could pay a compliment to a woman in the presence of another woman. By the way, I couldn't care less about your wife. I couldn't care less about your train steward. I couln't care less about you. I couldn't... I think, I do really care about you. Well then, straight ahead! PIease. - Thank you. - You're weIcome. Where to? This way. It's not far. It feeIs so good! Right. After aII that
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