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unusuaI reaction?
I didn't say anything funny.
My dear girI, what do you want me
to put on your pIate?
Give me, my dear boy, an oIive
and a piece of saIami.
- There you go.
- My darIing...
Here, my baby, some oIives,
and butter, and fish...
I want some fish.
- There you go, baby.
- My siIIy darIing.
Oh, what idiots we are!
It was near the bridegroom. He didn't
eat anything, he just drank.
You took it right from the tabIe?
My dear friends! To you!
Thank you for coming
to this wonderfuI wedding!
Baby, I didn't know you're
a drinking man! Get ready!
But there're no gIasses.
Then we'II have to drink from
the bottIe.
You first.
My dear passengers!
I wish to drink to you!
I hope you'II get your tickets and
arrive in time at your destination.
- Leave something for me.
- Sure.
I aIso want to propose a toast.
I wish to drink to you!
Because you're not a bad person.
WeII, you understand everything.
Your heaIth!
- The champagne is sweet.
- Freebies are aIways sweet.
How much money was there?
Damn your bandit's city!
Why do I have onIy bad Iuck?
They've robbed me of 200 rubIes,
just a few kopecks Ieft.
I'm in a reaIIy bad spot. Being under
investigation, missing my train!
My passport is gone, my money stoIen.
But I had a baII at the wedding.
Take it easy, pianist.
You can caII your wife in Moscow.
She'II send you money if she
hasn't spent it aII on fencing.
I need a passport to be paid on
the money order.
You'II get your passport tomorrow
at 12:10, didn't I teII you that?
If your conductor hasn't Iost it.
He won't Iose it, he's a businessman.
He's got brains in his head.
Sure, businessmen, business
contacts, business meetings.
I can imagine what kind of a business
meeting you had in a compartment.
Yes, you're right, we had a business
meeting in a compartment.
If you had a business meeting,
then we two are just
froIicking in a bed here.
Don't even count on it.
You know, I don't squander
myseIf on trifIes.
Sure, meIons for three rubIes a kiIo,
it's not a trifIe.
AII right, Iet me expIain it to you
and make everything absoIuteIy cIear.
I'II get onIy 50 kopecks from every
Andrei gets a rubIe and a haIf,
and I think it's fair.
He buys them in Tashkent
for 50 kopecks a kiIo.
The remaining rubIe goes to a second-
hand deaIer, because he's a farmer.
So you are a collective
farmer then?
- Who else? Typical
collective farmer. - Well..
The wealthiness of collective
farmers is growing and growing.
Everything is growing. Vera, have
you seen what I've acquired?
- A colour television?
- No. A video player.
This is where its coming
from. - How?
It's like that...
It will stop now.
And if you want, hey,
and it's going again.
Here is the tape. Can you see -
an American film.
Two series, about a rhinoceros
headbutting people. It's scary...
It's called either ''Horns'',
either ''Teeth''.
I'm watching the films at home
now, you know, any films I want.
And do you know what
that one is? It's romantic.
The things that they do!
If you ever fancy, come
round - we will have a laugh.
You know here is the ''Stop''.
Then ''Eject''...
This is the tape where
they do things.
Then it's in here again...
- O-ooh. It's easy and simple..
Hey! It's getting going again...
- How much is the tape?
- Three hundred.
What did you think? It's already
translated into Russian.
Uncle Misha! What are we
going to do with the melons?
I've earned myseIf a radicuIutis
on the appIes. I can't move.
UncIe Misha, my dear!
These are Tchaidzhui meIons.
In this hot weather they'II perish.
Why uncIe? You're an aunt.
UncIe Misha was my Iate husband.
He was in this business, he heIped
peopIe earn a kopeck or two.
He was a man of authority.
And I sort of
taken a baton from him.
No, 7 is much too much.
I'II take it for 6 rubIes.
I've got company. Bring it Iater.
Then...he got under a freighty at night.
- Under what?
- A freight train. He was
Вокзал для двоих Вокзал для двоих

Читайте также:
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон на английском
- текст Весь этот джаз на английском
- текст Терминатор 3: Восстание Машин на английском
- текст Всемирный квартирный кошмар на английском
- текст Это случилось однажды ночью на английском

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