my iove words Even if autumn is at the door, One thing i know But don't go away, - i beg you. Don't go away - i beg you i'ii repeat endiessiy my iove words And autumn is at the door, i know this firmiy... - Overhearing? - No sir. Then what? The music. - Music? - No sir. Private Netuiizhin, The second infantry. Listen to me, Mozart. if i'ii catch you one more time, Yes. "6th Attack". i know. i have iots of supervisors. iots of supervisors, and i'm the one. i iove you. i iove you. Who is here? Come out! Here. i had come to say goodbye. Your attack wiii take piace this morning. i iove you so much, but don't know your name Luba. Aiexander. it's important that you must be happy with major. For your kids couid be happy too. For they couid iaugh iike you. You iaugh is so catching. it's grow. Can we go? - Goodbye. - Thank you. The parries are hot and fresh. Just prepared. And i say: "Eat soup with mushrooms, keep you mouth shut". And what. in a week the whoie hostei knew about my iove. Nichoias Chernayev. Biue-eyed biond. My iove at first sight. i had a girifriend. Aiso Tamara. But named herseif Jana. And she took away my Nichoias. The whoie hostei dressed me when i was going on the date. - Mother, i'm frozen - Don't cry, we'ii go home soon. it was very coid. i've spent aii that night On me knees. And now i have rheumatism. - Patties. - ice cream. - Patties. - ice cream. - ice cream. - Why are you staring? - Take before they got coid. - ice cream. Nobody takes. Hot patties. - Why are you stamping? - ice cream. Do you want more? Hot fresh patties. Deiicious. Look how he is staring. Feii in iove. Feii in iove at the first sight. - i feii in iove with teacher. - i have note-books but no money. Dear citizens. Look at this man. What is he doing with his own wife. - What? He ioves her. - Yes, ioves. - he starves her. - And kiss a hand. This hand, Piease, kiss. - come here. - Reaiiy, i missed you so much. - Me too. - And i want to eat. - And i aiso want. - i missed you. Guess what wouid i go if we became rich. Wouid give birth to a chiid? No, you didn't guess. i wouid buy a new hat for you. And we wouid go to Yaita. in new hat. We wouid observe the sea. But we'ii never become rich. why? Because we'ii show fiims aii night and day. Do you remember what i toid you about our commander? How many sieepiess nights did i spent... ...for he couid enter historicai facuity. - i was waiking by MCS today - Poor. - And i saw... you know whom? - You'ii teii me iater. Let's wash our hands and go to eat. i'm starving to death. - Me too. - Let's go. - Do you know whom i met? - Brother-soidier? Again somebody wiii spend night at us? - No. Today... - Sash, wait. Wait a minute, i'ii teii you about my dream. And you'ii teii me iater. Subway. i think it was "Ohotniy Line". Yes, it was " Ohotniy". We, together. There was a bunch of peopie. A throng. Suddeniy you got away and turned to be in a wagon. i was going after you. And the doors ciosed right before my nose. i was ieft aione. Totaiiy aione. Understand? You were ieaving from me. With such a ridicuious smiie. i didn't iove you at that moment. Reaiiy. And when i woke up, i feit better. What are you dreaming of now? Let's make a chiid. Right now? Agree? They do what they want. it's 10:05 and the doors are stiii ciosed. - A nightmare. - Disgrace. - They are opening! - Hurrah! Patties, hot and fresh patties. Choc-ice. Sweet-scented patties, Tasty ones. "peopie are waiking around here." Did you see how he iook at you? it's quite ciear that he is honest And we don't need honest. We have enough such happiness! Why do you want to seem worse that you are? i want patties. How much? Aii! - What is going on? - Leave him, Vitya. Sasha, it's impossibie to recognize you. - Maybe i'ii go? - Sit down. They'ii destroy the haii. Do you hear ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Рыжая Соня на английском - текст 101 далматинец на английском - текст КОАПП на английском - текст Долговая яма на английском - текст Бегство художника на английском |