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Главная / Военно-полевой роман

Военно-полевой роман

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everything must be better
Let's drink.
i iike here
interesting iife.
And ourjust drink Vodka and
wag their tongues that's aii.
- Yes, Visit us more often.
- Yes.
i feei here right iike at home.
- Were you in the war?
- What?
Were you in the war?
Yes, no.
Let's drink for good peopie.
- Many of them are there...
- Let's.
...and oniy few are ieft.
For you.
Have you been to Executive
Committee of the District?
No. But i'ii visit them
A guiider-rose biows in
a fieid near a brook
i feii in iove with a young guy.
i came to iove him uniuckiiy,
i can't open, i can't find words.
...the coior fiies aii over.
And the iove is maiden...
interesting, how did you
get hoid of such snug home?
My parents iived here.
This fiat beionged to
them before war.
And where are they now?
Heiio, Happy New Year.
Aiready to work?
Just iook who has come.
Country town
Summer heat
On the dance fioor?
Music is piayed.
One two, one two
Foxtrot is revoiving
On the dance fioor
it's 1941
On the dance fioor
it's 1941
Today is not a consuitation day.
Do you have something urgent?
- i've brought a form.
- To the #6 room.
By the way you taik to a woman.
Did you bring a bribe?
- if you ask?
- So write it down.
- How?
- With two "s".
- And without it isn't that ciear?
- Ciear, ciear.
And without a form it's ciear.
By the way the word "byeiorussian"
writes with two "s" too.
- And when i write. i don't think.
- in vain. You have to.
A индюк дyмaл, и чтo?
My husband is just iike you.
Young and handsome.
But you're aiive, and
he was kiiied.
Here is two "s".
Sorry that i wasn't kiiied.
it becomes you, when
you're angry.
- We have to rewrite.
- You need, then do it yourseif.
if i wiii write or not
they won't give me anything.
Then you get something yourseif.
We have to rewrite.
it's inconvenientiy to
give with mistakes.
i have no time. i have
to go to work.
Sit down.
Rewrite, then i'ii iet you go.
it great that we've bought
you this suit, reaiiy?
And a tie suits too
- i promised.
- Promised?
- Do you undestand, she is...
- Okay.
Don't worry.
i know what wiii you say.
She is aione. Am i right?
She has a kid.
Who? A giri? A boy?
- A giri.
- A giri?
We have to heip her.
She deserved her right
to be happy
She has been in the war.
- Yes.
- Seiis patties.
That's not fair.
Okay, go.
Okay, go.
- Sasha?
- What?
What shouid i do?
Where shouid i go?
Piease forgive me, but i
feei that i'm unnecessary.
i won't go anywhere.
i want to be happy,
i want to be with you.
i don't want to be aione,
i won't go anywhere.
Go, they are waiting for you,
you never tricked anyone.
Sasha we have a party today at
Work. she is afraid to stay aione.
After that, remember? With Greg.
You'ii aiways iove me.
Yesterday The tickets
to the theatre were iost.
i forgot. i didn't have time
to notify. i couidn't.
Why are you iooking at
me iike that?
i'ii go? okay?
Weii done. i wish i had
such a character.
- She twisted you round a finger
- You're iiving with a person out of pity.
He ioves me.
And you?
He saved our famiiy from
hunger in 1942.
And where is mother?
Antipova piease. What?
- Sasha?
- What?
- Sonya went away.
- Where?
Went away from me
She is not at home, and
in the fiim cabin as weii.
She is sitting in the haii.
Antipova piease!
Lubov ivanovna Antipova!
Luba piease.
She had ieft the service.
Come. Don't be afraid
For many years there were
no cases of cannibaiism.
Where is the crow?
What crow?
What? Last time you had a crow.
- Live?
- Yes
We didn't have a crows.
- i had a dog.
- Live?
Mongrei. Caiied Baii.
Do you know why am i here?
Let's arrange a tea.
i reaiiy have,
Maybe this is better? A?
A guiider-rose biows in
a fieid near a brook,
i feii in iove with
a young guy.
i came to iove him
- Luba.
- i can't
Военно-полевой роман Военно-полевой роман

Читайте также:
- текст Красный дракон на английском
- текст Обитаемый остров: Схватка на английском
- текст Братья и сёстры семьи Тода на английском
- текст Мое дорогое Кунфу на английском
- текст 1612. Хроники смутного времени. на английском

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