to the Tsarina! Take me with you! You? What would you do there? I wanted to... We are going, mate, to talk about our own affairs to the Tsarina. Do take me, gentlemen! Let us take him, mates! Yes, let us! Put on the same dress as we are wearing, then. What decorations! They say the stories tell lies. The devil a bit they do! My goodness! What workmanship! - Are you all here? - All, Father! - Don't forget what I taught you. - We will not forget. Is that the Tsar? Tsar, indeed... It's Potyomkin himself! Get up! We will not get up, Mother! We will die, but we will not get up! His Excellency has promised to make me acquainted today with my people whom I have not hitherto seen. Are you well cared for here? Yes, thank you, Mother. The provisions they give us are excellent... Though the mutton here is not all like what we have in Zaporozhye. But we are getting along... What is it you want? Now is the time! Your Majesty! Do not command me to be punished! Show me mercy! - What are you doing, Vakula? - Leave him alone! Well? Of what, be it said without offence to your Royal Grace, are the slippers made that are on your feet? If only my wife could wear slippers like that! Indeed, his simple-heartedness greatly pleases me. - Where's the other sack? - I don't know. This one will be enough. What the devil is it? Why are you running about as though you were all possessed? There is someone in the sack! - What sack? - That big sack! - Where did you get it? - Vakula left it on the road. - The blacksmith Vakula? - Yes. - What are you afraid of? - It's so frightening! - Someone is grunting there. - Who? We don't know. Let us look! Let us look! Come now! My man! I beg you won't be offended at our not addressing you by your proper name - crawl out of the sack! I'm the Head! I expect it is a cold night? Yes, there is a bit of frost. Allow me to ask you what you rub your boots with, goose fat or tar? Tar is better. Well, good night! Good night! Why was I such a fool as to ask him what he rubbed his boots with? Well, Solokha is a fine one! Why was I so cruel to Vakula? So unkind? How he loved me! In the whole world it's hard to find as fine a fellow as Vakula. My love! Wait a bit, friend! I haven't thanked you yet! Oh, there is no, no justice in the world, While injustice is in might. If your heart wants to live by truth, For the truth it must fight. - He has hanged himself! - He is drowned! - He has hanged himself! - He is drowned! - May I never leave this spot! - Am I a liar then? Have I stolen anyone's cow, that I am not to be believed? - He is drowned! - May I never want to drink water! Pereperchikha saw with her own eyes the blacksmith hanging himself! You had better say, may you never want to drink vodka! He had need to be as mad as you to hang himself! He drowned himself. I know that as well as I know that you were... the tavern just now! You hussy! See what she throws up against me! You had better hold your tongue, you wretch! - You think I don't know that... - What? That the sacristan comes to see you every evening! What about the sacristan? Whom does the sacristan go to? The sacristan? I'll show you the sacristan! Who said, the sacristan? This is the hussy the sacristan visits! So it's you, you bitch! So it's you who give him a foul potion to make him come to you! - Get thee behind me, Satan! - Oh, you cursed witch! How disgusting! Ah, nasty woman, mate! Very nasty! - So the blacksmith is drowned? - Yes... My goodness! What a fine painter he was! So that is the end of the blacksmith! He was, and now he is no more. And I was going to have my dapple mare shod! Bless Your birth, Christ our Lord, Shine over the world for the sake of reason. A bright star in the sky, Our guiding star, We bow down to You, our sun of truth... Vakula! My beloved Cossack! Vakula, will you
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