Petersburg, to the Tsarina! - To St. Petersburg? Yes! Let's go! Get me the Tsarina's slippers, blacksmith, and I will marry you! - Am I to go straight to the Tsarina? - No, I'm frightened. Hey, Satan! Get into my pocket and take me to the Zaporozhians! Oh, that damned tavern-keeper! May the devil tear your hair out! May a pot land on your head! May your ugly eyes just burst! The Antichrist seed! May you swell like a pig! Stay away! Away! Away! Whenever I have too much to drink, I keep imagining things! It's just a regular sack. Who could have flung it down in the road? I'll be bound there is pork in it! Some carol-singer is in luck to get so many gifts of all sorts! I must make haste and get them away before anyone sees them. I drink, I make merry, I make bed, I sleep like a fairy! I drink, I make merry, I make bed, I sleep like a fairy! Ostap! Panas! Come here! I drink, I make merry, I drink, I make merry! - Where are you going? - Just following my nose. I drink... Help me carry this sack, good man. - A sack? - Yes. We'll go halves over the things. A sack of what? All sorts of things, I expect. - Let's go! - Let's go! I am a poor goat, On my sides flogged, For three kopecks bought. With my feet I stamp, stamp, stamp, With my horns I ram, ram, ram! Where shall we take it? To the tavern? That's what I was thinking. But the damned keeper won't trust us, She'll think we have stolen it somewhere. She may. Besides, I have only just come from the tavern. We'll take it to my hut. - And your wife? - She's not at home. - No one will hinder us there. - Let's go! Are you sure your wife is not at home? I am not quite a fool yet, thank God. The devil only could send me where she is. I think she'll be trailing round with the other women till daybreak. Who is there? Here's a go! That's good! That's good, that you have gained so much by singing carols! What's it to do with you? We sang the carols. Not you. Show me your sack at once, you wretched drunkards! The bald devil may show you, but not we! Stay away, Satars breed! I'll show you the Satars breed! You just wait, you scoundrels! Oh, the damned woman! Oh, but there is a whole pig lying here! - A pig? - A whole pig! Get away! Go away! It's our pig! It's not your property! Why did she say it was a pig? It's not a pig! You may say what you please, you may burst if you like, but the foul fiend has had a hand in it. Holy Christ! It's Chub! Who else did you think it was? Well, haven't I played you a fine trick? I'll be bound you meant to eat me by way of pork! Wait a bit, I'll console you: There's something else in the sack. What? If not a whole pig, it's certainly a little porker or some other live beast. Stay away! Away! Stay away! Here's another of them! The devil knows what has happened to the world! Men are put into sacks instead of loaves or sausages! Safe and sound! It's the sacristan! The sacristan is an ecclesiastical person! Well, now! What a woman, that Solokha! First we heard that fortresses were to be built against us. We were meant to be made into regular soldiers... Now new misfortunes are coming. How have we angered Mother Tsarina? Have we taken the hand of the vile Tatar? Have we come to agreement with the Turk? Have we been false to Tsarina in deed or in thought? Wherein are the Zaporozhian troops in fault? Good day to you, gentlemen! Who is that man? - You don't know me? - No. It's me, Vakula, the blacksmith! The blacksmith... When you rode through Dikanka in the autumn you stayed nearly two days there. God give you all health and long years! And I put a new iron hoop on the wheel of your chaise. Well, well, well... It's that blacksmith who paints so well. Good day to you, neighbour! We will have a talk with you later, but now we have no time. - We're going to the Tsarina. - To the Tsarina? Yes,
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