the better. It's smoking. O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Osip Nikiforovich! And what have you here, magnificent Solokha? How do you mean? My arm. Your arm! And what have you here, most precious Solokha? As though you don't see! My neck. Your neck! - And my necklace on it. - A necklace... Open up, Solokha! An intruder! - Good Lord! - Where're you going, Osip? If I am caught here... It will come to Father Kondrat's ears! For God's sake, Solokha! Your loving kindness, as it says in the Gospel of St. LUke, chapter 13... O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner! There's a knock, oh dear, there's a knock! Hide me somewhere! Incomparable Solokha, hurry up! Hurry up! - Come on! - I'm plunging into darkness! - Good evening! - Come in, Kornei Korneyevich. You didn't expect me, eh? Perhaps I am in the way? Perhaps you had some entertaining companion here? What are you saying, Kornei Korneyevich? Perhaps you have someone in hiding already? Solokha! Let me have a drink of vodka now. What weather God has sent us for Christmas Eve! What a snowstorm! The snow got in my eyes, my mouth, my ears! - Who is that? - Open the door, Mother! It's your son, Vakula! For nothing in the world will I show myself to that damned bastard! Kornei Korneyevich! May he have a fever! May he have a pimple under each of his eyes! May he choke on a pig's bone! Kornei Korneyevich! I say, Solokha, put me where you like! I don't want to see that bastard! May that mad dog go through the agonies of hell! Can nothing get that wretched Oksana out of my head? I don't want to think about her, but I keep thinking... Sverbyguz! This foolish love has turned me quite silly. Tomorrow's Christmas and this rubbish is lying about the cottage. I am a poor goat, On my sides flogged, For three kopecks bought. With my feet I stamp, stamp, stamp, With my horns I ram, ram, ram! With my tail I'll sweep you fast, With my feet I'll turn you to dust! And there you'll meet your death! Vakula? Oh, you are here! Good evening! Did you get a lot for your carols? And have you got the slippers that the Tsarina wears? Let's go! If you get me the Tsarina's slippers, then I will marry you! Oksana! Farewell! Find any lover you like! Make a fool of whom you like! But me you will not see again in this world! Oksana! Vakula! Vakula! - Goodbye, lads! - Where are you off to? Do not think unkindly of me! A lost soul! I must go and tell them that the blacksmith has hanged himself! Women, women! The blacksmith has hanged himself! - He's hanged himself! - He's drowned himself! Where am I running? As though everything were over already? I'll try one way more: I will go to Paunchy Patsyuk; they say he knows all the devils and can do anything he likes. - What is this? - It's Vakula's sacks. Let us drag them to my cottage and have a good look at what he has got in them. But they're heavy! Wait! - Let's run for a sledge! - Let's go! My word, what a miracle! I have come to ask you a favour, Patsyuk. They say that you - no offence meant - I speak of this not by way of any insult to you - that you are a little akin to the devil. There is nothing but ruin before me, a sinner! Nothing in the world will help! What will be, will be. I have to ask help from the devil himself. Well, Patsyuk, what am I to do? If you need the devil, then go to the devil. That's just why I've come to you. I think nobody in the world but you knows the way to him. He need not go far who has the devil on his shoulders! It's me, your friend. I'll give you as much money as you like. Oksana shall be yours today. Oksana? Very well, for such a price I am ready to be yours! Well, Vakula, nothing is done without a contract. I am ready! I've heard that among you contracts are signed with blood? Wait, I'll get a nail out of my pocket. - Carry me on your back! - Where? - To
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