is there pretty in that... that turned-up nose, and in the lips... ...and the cheeks? No... No... ...I see now that I am not pretty at all! Oh, yes, I am pretty. Ah, how pretty! Yes, lads, am I a match for you? Look at me! See how gracefully I step. Strange girl! She's been standing before the mirror for an hour and never has it enough. And praising herself aloud, too! My blouse is embroidered with red silk. And the ribbons on my head! You will never see richer braid. My father bought me all this for the finest young man in the world to marry me. Why have you come? Do you want me to shove you out of the door with a spade? You are all very clever at calling on us. You sniff out in a minute when there are no fathers in. You don't love me. Oh, come on! Well, is my chest ready? It will be ready, my little heart, after Christmas. And how it will be painted! You wouldn't find one like it if you wandered over the whole neighbourhood. So don't be angry with me. Allow me at least to speak to you, to look at you! Nobody's stopping you. You may speak. And look. - Allow me to sit... - What? - Allow me to stand beside you. - You may stand. But the girls are not here. We ought to have started singing carols long ago. I am getting tired of waiting. - Let them stay away, my beauty! - Oh, no! I expect the lads will come with them. I can fancy what stories they will tell! - So you'll be merry with them? - Yes, merrier than with you. Who are you? This isn't my cottage! What are you hanging about at people's doors for? It's me, good man! I have come for your diversion to sing carols under your windows. Christmas faring! Be not sparing... - Be off with you! - I want to sing carols! A tart or pie, please! Bowl of porridge! String of sausage! Be off! Look how he swaggers! Thinks he's a somebody! Do you suppose I won't have the law on you? I'll teach you! I don't care if you are a blacksmith and a painter. May the devil give you a drubbing and your smithy, too! But, I say, Vakula is not at home now... I expect Solokha is all alone... I might go! It's such weather now that no one will come in on us. Oh, you little cuckoo, what a gracious night, what a splendid night, good health to all good people. It took wing and flew all over, what a gracious night, what a splendid night, good health to all good people. They make good carols. Do you remember... we used to... A new joy had appeared like praise in the sky. Over the cave a bright star flared up and shone all over the world. A gray horse is playing in that garden. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! The Son of God has been born. My pigeon-toed one! Oksana! Look how much stuff we got for our carols! Odarka, you have new slippers! Ah, how pretty! And with gold on them! Don't grieve, my precious Oksana. I will get you slippers such as not many a lady wears. You? I should like to know where you'll get hold of slippers such as I could put on my feet. Perhaps you will bring me the very ones the Tsarina wears? See the sort she wants! All of you be my witnesses: If the blacksmith Vakula brings me the very slippers the Tsarina wears, here's my word on it, I'll marry him that very day! Get me the Tsarina's slippers, and I will marry you. Open up, Solokha! Oh, the Head! Quick! The pigeon-toed devil! Please come in, dear Head! My dear Head! Good evening! Beautiful, magnificent Solokha, allow me into your mansion! The sacristan! Hide me somewhere. Come on in, Osip Nikiforovich! Good health to you, a prosperous and peaceful life for many years to come! Thank you, Osip Nikiforovich. - You didn't expect me? - Why are you saying that? A good company was to gather at my place tonight - the Head, Chub, the Cossack Sverbyguz and other notewon'thy persons. But the elements have interfered with that. And I believe that this is all for
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