EndGorky Film Studio, SECOND ARTISTIC ASSOCIATION Under the direction of L. LUKOV Nikolai Vassilyevich GOGOL. EVENINGS ON A FARM NEAR DIKANKA A NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Written and Directed by Alexander ROW Director of Photography D. SURENSKY Production Designer A. DIKHTYAR Director V. LOSEV Music by A. FILIPPENKO Animators G. KOZLOV, I. DAVYDOV STARRING Cossack Chub was rich and pompous, yet he was lazy and slow to move. A. KHVYLYA Oksana, Chub's daughter. The villagers said she was, like any beauty, full of caprices. L. MYZNIKOVA Yu. TAVROV The blacksmith Vakula, a very strong and fine young fellow. Solokha, Vakula's mother. Ah, there's a real woman! - Even the steadiest Cossacks said about her. L. KHITYAYEVA The sacristan Osip Nikiforovich. Though not a steady Cossack, he nevertheless was also allured by the incomparable Solokha. S. MARTINSON Panas, to whom it makes no difference whatsoever whether he sits at home or turns out. A. KUBATSKY Panas's wife was a treasure of the kind that is not uncommon in this world. V. ALTAISKAYA D. KAPKA Where are you going, weaver Shapuvalenko? Oh, just following my nose. Paunchy Patsyuk. Hardly a week had passed since his coming to the village, before everyone knew he was a sorcerer... N. YAKOVCHENKO Odarka, Oksana's friend. M. SIDORCHUK The Head! A very important man in the village. A. RADUNSKY Just a regular devil! G. MILLYAR The last day before Christmas had passed. A clear winter night had fallen... The devil hated the blacksmith Vakula more than Father Kondrat's sermons. In his spare time the blacksmith gave himself up to painting, and he was reckoned the finest artist in the neighbourhood. But his masterpiece was a picture painted on the church wall. Since then... ...the devil swore he would revenge himself on the blacksmith. So you haven't been yet to the sacristars new cottage, Panas? There will be a fine drinking bout there tonight! I hope we are not late! There will gather a nice company at the sacristars... The Head, the clerk, the Cossack Sverbyguz, the bass choir-singer who came from Poltava, and other notewon'thy persons. Looking for some means of venting his wrath on the blacksmith, the devil made up his mind to steal the moon, reckoning that old Chub would not drag himself out in such darkness. And the blacksmith, who had long been on bad terms with Chub, would not have ventured to visit his daughter Oksana in his presence. Damn! What the devil! Look! - Look, Panas! - What is it? What, indeed! There is no moon! What a nuisance! There really is no moon. That's just it - there isn't! You don't care, I'll be bound. Well, what can I do about it? - So there is no moon, mate? - No. It's strange, really! Let me have a pinch of snuff. You have splendid snuff, mate. Where do you get it? Splendid, is it? Why, it wouldn't make an old hen sneeze! I remember, the late tavern-keeper Zozulya... once brought me some snuff from Nezhin. Ah, that was snuff! It was good snuff! So how is it to be, mate? It's dark, you know. Well, I think we'd better stay home. No, mate, let us go! It won't do - we must go! - Mate! - Come on, let us go! Some devil must needs go and meddle - may he never have a glass of vodka to drink in the morning, the dog! Must needs go and meddle! Upon my word, it's as though to mock us... ...as I sat indoors I looked out of the window. - The night was so lovely! - Just lovely! It was light! The snow was sparkling in the moonlight! You could see everything as though it were day. And before I'm out of the door, you can't see your hand before your face! Meow! Meow! Mate? Where are you?! Mate? Mate? What put it into folks' heads to spread it abroad that I am pretty? They lie, I'm not pretty at all! Well... Can my black eyebrows and my eyes be so beautiful that there're none like them in the world? What
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