blood. Yours will do. if you're not gonna let us go, why should I help you? You're fond of Ed, yes? do you have any idea what they were looking for? No! You never saw these guys... I told you five times! I don't know what they were after! Jesus Christ! Sir, this woman says she came... - to pick up a coat from Mrs. Herman. - We're not married! Bud, what happened? - Where's Christie? - She's not here. Okay, Diana? You a friendofMr. Herman's? Uh, what's going on? I just came here to pick up my coat. - What coat? - My, uh, my big down coat. I loaned it to Christie. She told me to pick it up today. - There it is over there. - Will you get her out of here? Wait a second. What the fuck are you clowns gonna do about this? - Bud... - Good-bye, Diana. All right, Mr. Herman, we know you're on probation for possession of cocaine. I'm gonna ask you one more time. do you know what they were looking for? I don't fuckin' believe this. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to get some information from you before I can let you go. Oh, sure. Would you just walk me to my car? Sean,Jeff, come on, get out ofthe car. These men work for me. Ed. Uh, Pierre, come on out and meet Sheriff... Peterson. Sheriff Peterson. Sheriff Peterson, this is my husband, Ed. And this is our good friend, Pierre, from Paris. Can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you. I... Pierre doesn't speak English. He's such a good cook though, who cares? well, it's nice to meet you all. if you'll just... Oh, I'm sorry. Um, my name is Mrs. Ed O-O... C-Cohen. Uh, C-o-h-e-n. Um, I live at 1234 Malibu Canyon Road. Malibu, California. And our number is 456-2199. And our number is 456-2199. That's fine. we'll, uh, most likely be in touch with you within the next two days or so. Oh, look at the time! Honey, we're going to be really late! Oh, you're right. It was nice meeting you, Sheriff. Thank you so much. Uh, Sean,Jeff, could you walk Pierre over to the Roberts' house? We're so late as it is, and it's only a block from here. See you later, Pierre. Bye, Sheriff. So, uh, are you having... a nice time in America? I know it's here somewhere. "Somewhere"? Yeah, I had to use it once. I ruined a silk blouse. Must have been awful for you. There it is. The only thing I can't handle is snakes. At this point, a snake would be reassuring. Now what? Well... Well... the grounds are crawlin' with servants during the day. We wait here till dark. You're kidding. It's only noon. Mmm. Ah. Try to rest. Get some sleep. Sleep here? Diana... I'm gonna try to grab a nap. Diana? You scared the shit outta me. It's dark. I've been watching you sleep for nine hours. Can we go now? Oh, boy, I really conked out. Yes, you did. Mmm. This thing's locked. No, it comes off. Maybe it did once. You must be stronger than you look. Jack? What's happened to you? They say my blood's gone bad on me. I'm buying it by the case like champagne. Are you, uh, in pain or... I can't even get any interesting drugs. It's good to see you, Peach. I couldn't figure out what Joan was doing here. I had no idea. After years of compulsive spending, she's finally... taking an interest in estate planning. Did she tell you I called? When? When? Jack, I've been trying to get ahold of you for six months. It's Joan. That bitch. She's very thorough. Who's this? Oh, um, Ed Okin. I got myself into trouble, and he's the only one I've been able to count on. What is this? It's an orgy. You're trespassing. Get them out. If they won't leave, call the police! Larry, disregard that. - You are endangering his life! - Get her out, Larry. Whoeveryou are, or thinkyou are, there have been a dozen just like you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come here. You better hurry and tell me the problem. Hasi's dead. Hasi's dead? Yeah. Hamid too. How? Hasi sent me to Zurich to get some stones out ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Курица на ветру на английском - текст Рассказ домовладельца на английском - текст Был отец на английском - текст Друзья - Сезон 9 на английском - текст Трекки на английском |