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Фильмы по алфавиту

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to be able to attend
the competitions
held in Baltimore
between the Eastern Coast's
champ Parole,
the Western prize racer
Tan Break
and the pride of the South
The horse is an odd-toed animal.
The salient feature of this order
is the feet.
They have only one fairly
developed toe with a hoof.
Its skull is elongated,
1/3 of it is the cerebral bone
and 2/3 - the facial bones.
There are three incisors
with smooth surface,
five or six long
masticatory teeth
and one small curved conic fang
in each part of the lower and upper
Mention should be made
of the narrow gullet
with a valve opening into the stomach.
The stomach is an elongated bag
with no divisions.
There's no gall bladder.
The womb is two-horned.
The brain is relatively small.
The cerebral hemispheres
do not cover the cerebellum.
Still horses can be regarded
as fairly intelligent.
The most developed senses are
hearing, sight and smell.
Have you read Prince Urusov?
Yes, I have and made an abstract.
You can call me Volodya.
Will you turn please?
He raced fantastically.
Fantastically! Fantastically!
Horse breeding was fantastically
developed in Greece and Macedonia.
The horse created by Neptune
had human forelegs
and could speak.
A thoroughbred's heart
weighs six kilos and more.
Other breeds have a heart
weighing no more than five kilos.
Next time I'll tell you
about Rita Gothier.
Oh, they left a cigarette butt
in her belly.
Attention! The booking office
is closing!
Attention! The booking office
is closing!
Attention please!
Put the horses in the boxes.
Come on, let's go.
Go in. Send her in.
Send her in. Send her in.
Close the doors, quick!
Someone take the reins.
What about our deal? Does it stand?
What's the matter with you?
If your horse gets out of control
and bolts,
lift your hands
and pull the reins
at both sides.
It's about the wager.
Kasyanov, I'm always in luck,
and I know a thing or two
about the pace.
My hands, feet and spine
are made of steel.
To say nothing of my willpower.
And my horse is classy.
Sure, you're the very best!
The girl is yours and no wager.
I don't want her that way.
That's your problem.
I've said it.
Violetta is not the main concern now.
I'm interested in the theme
of beauty and drive.
Every person,
even if not good-looking,
reaches the peak of beauty
once in a lifetime.
Man is beautiful
even for a few moments,
usually when a person is very
young. I saw it.
Sasha Milashevsky reached
his peak of beauty in hospital.
I took him to the beach
and left his wheel-chair
by the shrubs.
The sun lit his face up.
He was in pain,
but his face was beautiful.
This lasted until the sunset.
It was gone next day.
His face was again gray
and kind of...
The peak is over, I thought.
The peak is over.
The peak is over.
His face was commonplace
and quite ordinary.
The peak is over, I thought.
Some are given minutes,
and others fleeting moments.
Still others can be beautiful
for months.
The peak of beauty seems to last,
but then the beauty is gone.
Some people are beautiful
for years.
Why is that?
Beauty always strives
for self-destruction.
I'm concerned with this theme, too.
How can this be explained?
I don't know.
I do not dread death,
I rather dread immortality.
The thought gives me the creeps.
Just gives me the creeps.
A friend of mine called me up
and said:
"Beware of beautiful omens.
If you find yourself
in a dangerous situation
attended by fine circumstances,
you'll readily accept death."
"How is that?" - I say.
And she answers:
"Beware of fine dangerous
It's your predestination!"
"lf..." - she says...
I don't understand it...
I'm the only Lilya
I've met in my whole life.
Or take this song...
That song.
Diamonds are the girl's
best friends.
Another round.
Thirty six.
They are coveting my laurels.
I have a program
Увлечения Увлечения

Читайте также:
- текст Туманность Андромеды на английском
- текст Жестокий романс на английском
- текст Запятнанная Репутация на английском
- текст Крепкий орешек 4.0 на английском
- текст Возможности карьеры на английском

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