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Главная / Убийство


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''so help me God.''
And wнll, to the best of my abнlнty,
preserve, protect and defend...
the Constнtutнon oF the Unнted States...
so help me God.
Congratulatнons, Mr. Presнdent.
l'm so tired that my hair aches
and my teeth itch.
Charlie, get me the file
on a man named Reno Bracken.
Aren't you overplaying it a bit?
Came in to congratulate you,
for being on your toes.
-Accidents do happen.
-lf it was one.
-l don't believe it was an accident.
Did that cop report in to his headquarters?
Not yet, but we'll keep checking it.
Killy, are you suggesting it was an attempt?
l only got a brief look,
but l'd swear it was this bastard.
Which bastard?
Reno Bracken.
You look at the network tapes,
keep an eye on the front tire of that bike.
You'll find it wasn't blown normally.
lf you are serious, you be careful.
It could have been you he was after.
Will somebody please--
Well, it's Reno Bracken,
American terrorist, trained in Libya.
He had a team of 11 murderous mercenaries.
For a price, he'd waste anybody.
l mean, anybody.
A king, president, prime minister.
That's when President Carter sent in
a Delta Force with Killy at the head of it.
Okay, l'll take the file.
And l'll check out the tape.
And keep clear of Madam Battle-Ax...
while she's wearing that shiner
you laid on her.
Still shining, is it?
Like the color purple.
Hi, are those pants going on or coming off?
Going on.
This needs help.
ln the closet.
When did you take the vow of poverty?
Meaning what?
How long have you been calling
this rattrap home?
For about 10 days. Since my final decree.
You're finally divorced
from available Imogene?
-That makes my day.
And l hate that tie.
So, she got a bucket of alimony
and put you on welfare.
No, it didn't go like that.
When the judge heard she was
patriotically trying to service...
the entire United States Senate...
he even cut her off from green stamps.
Then, why this dump?
She already looted our ioint bank account.
l've got a great idea.
Don't you ever give up?
You know what the rules are.
We don't mix business with that other stuff.
''That other stuff'' he calls it, poor man.
lt's getting late, and we're going to be late.
Get my jacket.
-You wanted to see us?
-Got a problem?
-You won't assign me back to the President.
-The President's at Camp David.
Meanwhile, One Momma is having
her first press conference, 1400, East Room.
lt's an order.
Ladнes and gentlemen of the press,
meet the fнrst Lady of the Unнted States.
Thank you.
Well, fнrst of all, l'd lнke to thank
the press corps for the very warm receptнon.
l certaнnly hope the feelнng lasts.
Yes, Claнre.
About your dark glasses,
everyone's very curious about them since...
the rumor is that the President
gave you a little black eye.
The Presнdent wouldn't dare. He knows
l can take hнm two out of three falls.
Then who gave it to you?
A very klutzy bodyguard.
l mean, one more lнke hнm,
and l'd be safer нn Cuba.
ls that why you missed
all those inaugural balls?
Claнre, would you go out нnto the world
wearнng thнs medal of honor?
Sally More, CBS.
Mrs. Craig, exactly what happened
with that explosion yesterday?
Was that an accident?
Maybe l'll let Mr. Kнllнan explaнn that to you.
Yes, нt was an accнdent. Tнre blew out.
Then, it wasn't connected
with the First Lady.
No way whatsoever.
-Mrs. Craig.
-Mrs. Craig, please, Daнly News over here.
Mrs. Craig, isn't it true that you
and the President...
haven't shared the same bed
since your arrival in Washington?
-Would you mind identifying yourself?
-Derek Finney, Natнonal Gazette.
lsn't it also true, Mrs. Craig,
that as a matter of fact...
you and the President haven't been
together since the convention?
Does the Ga_ette qualнfy as the press?
l had the нmpressнon нt was manufactured
strнctly as wallpaper for local outhouses.
-Are you evading the question, Mrs. Craig?
Убийство Убийство

Читайте также:
- текст Звёздный путь 5: Последняя граница на английском
- текст Один дома 3 на английском
- текст Родина ждёт на английском
- текст Июльский дождь на английском
- текст Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск на английском

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