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Турецкий гамбит

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defended the town against Osman's hordes for two hours.
And you haven't sent me even a single regiment.
What should I make of that?
What should I make of that?!!
-Mikhail Dmitriyevich, I understand your anger...
If I knew, I would have sent all my reserves, not a single regiment.
But the news came too late.
- What do you mean too late?
Count Zurov, my aide-de-camp, have gotten through to you
around 6 pm...
- I assure you...
- I don't need your assurances! Zurov was seen at the HQ around 5:30 p.m.
I defended the town till 8.
I lost two thirds of my men!
- Your people will be awarded.
Congratulations with your promotion to Lieutenant-General.
As far as the lost messenger is concerned...
- Our best men are investigating the case.
- Please, mark everything you find with flags...
- Erast Petrovich!
- Sergey Konstantinovich...
Keep combing the area.
- Carry on!
- Here, Erast Petrovich, I've found him!
- Carry on with the search...
- 20 thousand dead. A catastrophe!
- Yes, we are stuck under Pleven. We need a siege.
- This where Kazanzaki attacked him.
And shot him.
Count Zurov was a warrior.
He managed to wound Kazanzaki in the shoulder,
Kazanzaki rode away, then he understood
there is no escape and shot himself.
- This Kazanzaki guy is crazy or what?
- Kazanzaki is a Turkish spy.
- He's the devil himself...
- Don't touch this! It's crime evidence...
Look at you, Fandorin!
You're as helpless as Miss Suvorova!
Miss, do I smell vodka?
Are you a drinker?
- I didn't drink - I just washed my face.
- With vodka?
- I thought there was water inside that flask in the bush...
- Madness...
- In the bush? A flask?
- Like this?
- The flask? Yes?
- Did you leave it where it was?
- I think so. Why?
- The monogram. Each flask had a monogram.
Zurov gave everyone a personal flask.
- What was that? A shot?
- Drive!
- Had yer hairs cut, ain't yer?
- Yes. At the hospital.
I was unconscious.
They cut everyone's hair there.
- Aye, lassie...
Varvara Andreyevna...
- Erast Petrovich, is it you?.. Lord, thanks...
How are you?
- Me? I've been r-released from the hospital recently. Like you.
- How do you do this?
- What? A peasant dialect? (mumbles like a peasant).
- Why are you here?
- I'm here... b-b-because I need your help.
- Of course! Anything!
- I... We must hurry.
Halt!.. That's him.
- What must I do?
- Just ask him about the news.
- Mister McLaughlin! It's me! I'm back!
- How do you, Mademoiselle Suvorova.
How are your injuries?
- Healed. Have heard news about Mr. Fandorin?
- He came back two days ago then disappeared again.
They haven't found Anwar yet...
Is short hair en vogue now?
- Yes.
- I don't like it.
- Why don't you join me. I have a thermal flask
with tea and cookies - the nurses gave them to me...
- Promise you won't tell a word until 10...
- Word of honor! What's up?
- I have the first hand information. Tonight at 10 p.m.
the Turks are starting negotiations at General Ganetsky's HQ.
Osman-pasha's initiative. They want to surrender.
- Really?
- No one... No one knows this aside from me.
I'll be at Ganetsky's. A historic moment...
- What if it's a set up?
- It's a reliable source.
Mademoiselle Varya, the siege is over!
- Damn! Ganetsky's corps is defending the southern route.
They spread thin there. We are loosing time...
Varvara Andreyevna, I'll be heading to Ganetsky's HQ, you go to Soboleff's...
- Dressed like this?
- Can you drive the carriage?
- I'm not sure...
- Be c-c-careful!
- You too.
- They are here!!! The Turkish negotiators are here!!!
- General, sir, I have an important message
from Marshal Osman-pasha.
- Please, come in, gentlemen.
- Tea?..
Sorry, sorry...
- I'm Colonel Ismail-bey, Marshal Osman-pasha's
aide-de-camp. He asked me to give you his sword.
- Very kind of you...
- I have an urgent message for the General...
It's a trap! The Turks are breaking through!
- Erast Petrovich, you know how things are - we've
Турецкий гамбит Турецкий гамбит

Читайте также:
- текст Земля Санникова на английском
- текст Банзай, режиссёр! на английском
- текст Золотой ребёнок на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра на английском
- текст Бетховен: Большой бросок на английском

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