Star Trek action figures, and over here I have the collection of the 4 captains. This Sisko here might look a bit messy because I shaved it with an X-Acto knife because of his new look this season and painted on a goatee with model paint. Over here I put up somewhat of a chart with my Datas illustrating the evolution of the uniforms in the past few years. We start out here with Data in the first/second season lycra jumpsuit, which I heard caused the male actors back problems; then the third through seventh season two-piece uniform, and then the Generations jumpsuit version and now the gray-shouldered First Contact garbs, which of course I am wearing now. Man: I normally dress up as Data. One lady thought that I was Data and came up to me, and she had her baby, and she kept--she was like, "Will you--Will you touch my baby?" I've been asked to bless people... One wanted me to sign the interior of his car-- To marry people... "Oh, wow! He touched my baby! He touched my baby!" Then she runs off screaming in the halls. One wanted me to help him ease his way into death. It was an odd request. Maybe we should have told her I wasn't Data. Ha ha! & It's a beautiful day & & Ooh, we'll fly away & & It's a beautiful day... & The Mark and Brian radio program-- 95.5 KLOS. All right, now, there is a Star Trek convention in town this weekend. A lot of Trekkies are here. They're coming from all over the world. In celebration of that group of people in town, we-- Mark and Brian-- now give you the Star Trek theme. [Playing Star Trek Theme Badly] [Shrieking Star Trek Theme] There we go. I'm a little busy now. All right, we'll take a commercial break and return. Crosby: Do you have a favorite episode? The original? Well, of course, the original-- The original? OK. Oh, look here, mister. See, he shouldn't even be in this. He doesn't even dig Star Trek. I like Star Trek! I like it fine! No! You're like, "Who are those guys with the pointy ears?" Star Trek's a way of life, man. It's a good way of life. It teaches us all. This background here that you see was rendered by me. It is the Nemesis station from Star Station Nemesis, the film project that our club is working on at the moment. This is the screenplay in its computer form. This program is where it was written and where all the modifications were made. This script is basically the back story that they've conceived for the club. Then I translated the outline we wrote into the 172-page screenplay. What you're about to see here are some of the fledgling opticals I've created. As you can see, there's a considerable amount of detail that went into it. This is pan-up shot that I did, and as you can see, there's a little flickering around there that I'm trying to get rid of. One thing that I've been tinkering around with is a Romulan armada shot. I rendered this sequence in two parts. This is the logo for the trailer for the movie that we're putting together to show at not this coming meeting, but the next one. Woman: Gabriel and Travis, our communications officer, came up with the idea to start making a movie for our club. Gabriel designed some new uniforms specifically for the movie. [People Talking] There's yours. Now... [Applause] They're still-- still in process. Now you have to decide which one you're going to wear tomorrow. Yeah. It will be a tough choice. Ha ha! Wow. This costume is the uniform that I've designed. It came out of about 50 conceptual sketches, and this is my favorite of them from the film project that I'm working on, and it should be noted that this is only a prototypical version, and, uh... The collar on the completed version will be-- come to about here, but it's-- She kind of cut short the collar a bit, and it will have shoulder pads, and it will be all wool. This has some wool components and some ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Крулл на английском - текст Лисы на английском - текст Возможности карьеры на английском - текст Терминатор на английском - текст Первые на Луне на английском |