Oh my goodness. A birthday? Anniversary. My sister and her husband. Anniversary of their marriage. I was her leading bridesmaid. I was his best man. I was just about to fuck her at the alter when somebody stopped me. Really? I stopped him. His zip went down and I kicked him up the arse. It would have been a scandal. The world's press was on the doorstep. He was always impetuous. We get so many different kinds of people in here, people from all walks of life. Do you really? Oh, yes. People from all walks of life. People from different countries. I've often said, "You don't have to speak English to enjoy good food." I've often said that. Or even understand English. It's like sex, isn't it? You don't have to be English to enjoy sex. Lots of people enjoy sex without being English. I've known one or two Belgian people, for example, who love sex and they don't speak a word of English. The same applies to Hungarians. Yes. I met a chap who was born in Venezuela once and he didn't speak a fucking word of English. Did he enjoy sex? Sex? Yes, it's funny you should say that. I met a man from Morocco once and he was very interested in sex. What happened to him? Now you've upset me. I think I'm going to cry. Oh, poor dear. Did he let you down? He's dead. He died in another woman's arms. He was on the job. Can you see how tragic my life has been? Well, I can. I don't know about the others. I can too. So can I. Have a happy night. Lovely woman. Do you mind if I interject? What? Do you mind if I make an interjection? Help yourself. It's just that a little bit earlier I heard you saying something about the Hollywood studio system in the thirties. Oh, you heard that? Yes. And I thought you might be interested to know that my grandfather was very familiar with a lot of the old Hollywood film stars back in those days. He used to knock about with Clark Gable and Elisha Cook, Jr. and he was one of the very few native-born Englishmen to have had it off with Hedy Lamarr. No! What was she like in the sack? He said she was very tasty. I'll bet she was. Of course there was a very well established Irish Mafia in Hollywood in those days. And there was a very close connection between some of the famous Irish film stars and some of the famous Irish Gangsters in Chicago. Al Capone and Victor Mature, for example. They were both Irish. Then there was John Dillinger, the celebrated gangster, and Gary Cooper, the celebrated film star. They were Jewish. It makes you think, doesn't it? It does make you think. You see the girl at that table? I know her. I fucked her when she was eighteen. What, by the banks of the river? Lambert! It's you! Suki! You remember me? Do you remember me? Do I remember you? Do I remember you! This is my husband, Russell. Hello, Russell. Hello, Lambert. This is my wife, Julie. Hello, Suki. Hello, Julie. Hello, Julie. Hello, Russell. And this is my brother, Matt. Hello Suki, hello, Russell. Hello, Matt. Hello, Matt. And this is his wife, Prue. She's Julie's sister. She's not! Yes. We're sisters and they're brothers. They're not! Hello, Prue. Hello, Russell. Hello, Prue. Hello, Suki. Sit down. Squeeze in. Have a drink. What'll you have? A drop of that red wine would work wonders. Suki? She'll have the same. Are you still obsessed with gardening? Me? When I knew him he was absolutely obsessed with gardening. Yes, well, I would say I'm still moderately obsessed with gardening. He likes grass. It's true. I love grass. Green grass. You used to love flowers, didn't you? He adores flowers. The other day I saw him emptying a piss pot into a bowl of lilies. My dad was a gardener. Not your grandad? No, my dad. That's right, he was. He was always walking about with a lawn mower. What, even in the Old Kent Road? He was a man of the soil. How about your grandad? I never had one. Funny that when you knew my ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Октябрь на английском - текст Ночь зайца на английском - текст Бег на английском - текст Дни затмения на английском - текст Полуночный ковбой на английском |