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Токийская история

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more trouble
than happiness after marrying him.
I know we should have
done something for you.
Please. I'm quite happy.
But you should have had
a better life.
I'm happy.
I like it this way.
You may be happy
while you're still young.
But as you become older,
you'll find it lonely.
I won't get that old,
so don't worry.
You're so nice.
Good night, then.
Good night.
Excuse me.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaneko?
Who is it?
Who could it be?
- Who is it?
- The police. Officer Takashi.
I've brought you your friends.
They're quite drunk.
Why, Father!
Good night.
Who's he, Father?
Father, what is all this?
What's happened?
He's not alone.
- Who is it?
- Some stranger.
What's all this, Father?
Father! Answer me!
You've started drinking again,
haven't you?
You too.
You're impossible.
What happened?
Where did he drink so much?
How should I know?
He used to drink all the time.
Used to come home dead drunk,
upsetting Mama.
We hated it.
But he stopped drinking
after Kyoko was born.
He was like a new man,
and I thought that was great.
Now he's started again.
What shall we do?
I didn't expect him back here tonight,
let alone with company!
We can't leave them there.
It can't be helped.
Let's have Kiyo come down
and we'll put them upstairs.
They're too drunk to make it.
What will we do, then?
What a mess.
You sleep upstairs.
I'll put them here.
What a bother.
Why didn't he tell me
he was coming back?
So late and so drunk!
I hate drunkards.
With a stranger, too.
Oh, this is disturbing.
Thank you for putting me up.
I'm sorry this place is such a mess.
Won't you be late for work?
No, I have quite enough time.
- Mother?
- What is it?
I want you to accept this.
Though it's not much.
What is it?
A little spending money.
Oh, no.
Please, Mother!
Come, Mother!
You can't do this.
It's I who should give you something.
Please take it, Mother.
Must I?
Then thank you very much, dear.
You must need money for yourself,
but still you do this.
I don't know how to say it...
but thank you so much.
Thank you.
Let's be going.
If you come up
to Tokyo again, Mother,
please come visit again.
But I'm afraid
I won't be coming back.
I know you're busy,
but do try to come to Onomichi.
I'd really like to,
if it were a bit nearer.
You're right.
It's so far away.
Mother, are these yours?
Thank you.
I've gotten so forgetful.
Let's go.
Will they get seats?
Yes, we're in a good position here.
The train should be in Nagoya
or Gifu around morning.
And arrive in Onomichi?
1:35 tomorrow afternoon.
Have you wired Kyoko?
I have.
Keizo will meet you at Osaka, too.
I hope Mother will have
a good sleep on the train.
She always sleeps well anywhere.
Even if I don't,
I'll be home tomorrow afternoon.
Don't drink too much, Father.
Last night was an exception.
A reunion, you know.
Has the headache gone?
Let this be a warning.
I'm sure it was a good lesson.
You've been very kind to us -- all of you.
We enjoyed our trip.
You were so nice to us, children.
Now that we've seen you all,
you need not come down,
even if anything should happen
to either one of us.
Don't talk like that.
This isn't a farewell.
I mean it.
We live too far away.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
- I heard your parents came.
- Yes. What a mess.
They weren't supposed to get
off the train, but Mother became ill.
What was the trouble?
She says she feels sick around here.
Is it her heart?
Travel sickness. She hadn't
taken the train for a long time.
What a bother.
Had to borrow blankets
and send for the doctor twice.
What a mess.
How is she now?
Feeling fine this morning.
How old is she?
Let me see.
She's way over 60.
Sixty-seven or 68, maybe.
Very old.
Take good care of her.
''Be a good son
while your parents are alive.''
That's right.
''None can serve his parents
beyond the grave.''
It must have been because
the train was so crowded.
Feel better?
Токийская история Токийская история

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