drinking. Oh, no. Sake is good for the health. You're lucky your children are all settled. Oh, I don't know about that. I often wish at least one of my sons were alive. Must have been hard to lose both of them. Didn't you lose one? Yes, my second son. I've had enough of war. Yes, indeed. To lose your children is hard, but living with them isn't always easy, either. A real dilemma. Drink. Let's change the subject. And cheer up. If I had an extra bedroom for you, we'd drink till morning. Miss, more sake! Anyway, I'm very glad you came. I never dreamed I'd see you here in Tokyo. OKAYA ODEN Here's a warm one. Pour it for me. You're so drunk. Look, Hirayama. She resembles someone, doesn't she? There he goes again. Don't you think so? Well, who? Yes, she does. That young geisha? Oh, no! She was fatter. This one resembles my wife. Yes, you're right. See, especially here -- Why don't you leave? You've had enough. And both are bad-tempered. You're a real nuisance. My wife says so too. Come here and pour for me. Have some more. No, thanks. I think you're the luckiest one of all. How come? With good sons and daughters to be proud of. You can be proud of yours too. No, my son's no good. He's henpecked and treats me like I'm in the way. He's nothing. But being department head is a good position. Department head, nothing! He's only an assistant section chief. I get to feeling so low that I lie to people. He's a failure. I don't think so. He's my only son, so I spared the rod -- and spoiled him. You brought your son up proper. He has a degree. But all doctors have to have degrees. I'm afraid we expect too much of our children. They lack spirit. They lack ambition. I've told that to my son. He said that there are too many people in Tokyo. That it's hard to get ahead. What do you think? Young people today have no backbone. Where is their spirit? That's not how I raised him! But Numata -- You don't agree with me? You're satisfied? Of course not, but -- You see? Even you're not satisfied. I feel so sad. No more to drink. However, until I came up to Tokyo, I was under the impression that my son was doing better. But I've found that he is only a small neighborhood doctor. I know how you feel. I'm as dissatisfied as you are. But we can't expect too much from our children. Times have changed. We have to face it. That's what I think. It is? I see. You, too! My son has really changed, but I can't help it. After all, there are too many people in Tokyo. Do you think so? I suppose I should be happy. Maybe you're right. Nowadays some young men kill their parents without a thought. Mine at least wouldn't do that. Look, it's midnight. So what? It's closing time. You get more and more like my wife. I like you, you know? Do something with him. Leave him alone. Let's drink up tonight. Wonderful, wonderful. Yes, a wonderful night. Thank you. That's quite enough. It's been a long day today. Back from Atami, then to Shige's house, then to Ueno Park. You must be tired. No, not so much, and here I am, troubling you. I'm very sorry. But I really appreciate your coming. I'm so happy. I'm a burden to everyone. There now. That's enough, really. You must go to bed now. You have your work tomorrow morning. You need sleep, too. Let's both go to bed. Thank you. I think I will. What a treat to sleep in my dead son's bed. Noriko. Forgive me if I'm rude, but it's been eight years since my son's death, yet you still keep his photo here like that. I feel sorry for you. Why? Because you're young and -- I'm not that young anymore. Yes, you are. I feel we're doing wrong. I've often talked to Father about this. Should you have the chance, please get married, anytime you want. I mean it. It pains us that you won't remarry. All right. If I have the chance -- You certainly will. Why wouldn't you? You think so? You had
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