ENDA SHOCHIKU PRODUCTION FROM THE 1953 CULTURAL FESTIVAL TOKYO STORY Screenplay by KOGO NODA and YASUJIRO OZU Executive Producer TAKESHI YAMAMOTO Photography by YUHARU ATSUTA Art Direction by TATSUO HAMADA With SETSUKO HARA CHISHU RYU CHIEKO HIGASHIYAMA HARUKO SUGIMURA SO YAMAMURA KUNIKO MIYAKE KYOKO KAGAWA EIJIRO TONO NOBUO NAKAMURA SHIRO OSAKA HISAO TOAKE TERUKO NAGAOKA Directed by YASUJIRO OZU We'll pass Osaka at about 6:00 tonight. Keizo should be off work by then. If he got our telegram, he'll be at Osaka Station. Here are your lunches. I'm leaving now. You don't have to see us off if you're busy at school. I think I'll have time. It's during a break. We'll see you later, then. I've put tea in the thermos, Mother. I'll be going, then. - See you then. Do you have the air cushion? Didn't I give it to you? It's not here. I'm sure I gave it to you. Really? Good morning. Leaving today? Yes, this afternoon. Really? This is our chance to see all our children. That's nice. They must be looking forward to your arrival. Well, I hope so. Keep an eye on our house while we're gone, will you? Of course. Your children have all turned out so well. You're very lucky. I suppose so. And what beautiful weather. Yes, indeed. You'll have a lovely trip. I still can't find it. No? It must be there. Oh, here it is. You found it? Yes, I did. DR. HIRAYAMA -- INTERNAL MEDICINE AND CHILDREN'S DISEASES Don't mess up the room. I'm back. Welcome home. Have Grandpa and Grandma come yet? They'll be here soon. Mama! - What do you want? - Why did you move my desk? To make room for your grandparents. I want my desk here! It can't be helped. We need the space. What about my exams? I need a place to study. Study anywhere you like! Tell me: Where am I supposed to study? Mama! Tell me where. Keep quiet. You never study anyway. I do too. You do not. So I don't have to study, right? No more studying, right? What are you saying? They're here. Oh, you're back. Please come on in. Please come in. Yes, please come in. Sleep well on the train? You must be tired. Very well. Come here. Welcome. It's good to see you again. I just hope we're not inconveniencing you. It's been a long time, Mother. It really has. It's wonderful to see you. How's our sister Kyoko? Just fine, thank you. She stayed behind to look after the house. Fumiko... I've brought a little something. Some crackers. Got them in the neighborhood. Mama likes them. Something to put them on? A tray will do. How about this? Fine. Did Noriko come to the station? No, but I phoned her. Wonder what happened. Come along. What are you doing? Come here. These are your grandparents. My, aren't they getting big. Minoru is a junior high school student. He is? How old are you, Isamu? Tell her. The bath is ready anytime. How about a bath, Father? Want to change your clothes, Mama? Please don't bother. Let's go. Let me carry these. Did Keizo meet you at Osaka? Yes, he was there. We had sent him a telegram. Was he all right? He sent you something. Later's all right. You have a towel, Father? Yes. Take your time. What shall we feed them? What about some meat? Maybe sukiyaki. That sounds good. And some sashimi. We don't need that too. Oh, meat's enough. We'lljust have sukiyaki. That's Noriko. It's good to see you. - I got to the station late. - You went? They had already left, so I missed them. They're upstairs. I'lljust go up and say hello. Welcome to Tokyo. - What a long time it's been. - Yes, hasn't it. You must have been very busy. Not really. But when I finished, it was too late. You didn't have to come today. We'll be here for some time. Are you still working for the same company? It must be hard to be on your own. Your bath is ready. Coming. Let me help you. Oh, that's all right. It's like a dream being in Tokyo. And it didn't
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