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Anal probing?
Major, that's uncalled for.
For someone who can't sleep,
you look wellrested.
Enjoying your tropical vacation?
Best vacation I ever had.
Managed to do some hunting.
Wait 'til you see what I bagged, sir.
Lieutenant, take charge.
All right, guys. Fall out. Get your gear inside.
Yes, sir.
What's this supposed to be?
Some sort of extraterrestrial?
Oh, it clearly didn't evolve on Earth.
How do you know?
It could be some sort of mutant lizard.
A mutation would have recognizable DNA.
This doesn't.
Can't have evolved on Earth. Look at it.
Why did you kill it?
It attacked us. It's hostile.
Killed at least three people.
No, no, no. It can't be hostile.
It's been here thirtytwo years, hidden.
We didn't provoke it.
Oh, it doesn't matter now.
We have to communicate with them.
You're assuming it's intelligent?
You see any evidence of this?
Language? Technology? We'll do a full recon.
To provoke them further?
To see what we're up against.
Numbers, deployment, weaponry.
Oh, and then what are you gonna do?
You're gonna start a war?
You see any Klingons here?
All I see is one dumb animal with sharp claws.
This dumb animal was fast,
mean and a bitch to bring down.
Yeah, and all the more reason
to evaluate the threat.
Moon sets at 0126. We move at 00130.
Steve. You awake? Always.
Where was Al going?
He just took off in the Mule. Alone.
Some errand for Wozniak?
Alone? Did you try to radio him?
Yeah. No answer.
Go look for him. Take Naka and Brandt.
Right. Thanks.
Yeah. And your Bible.
There's Al Mule. Naka, you're with me.
Brandt, watch our backs. Roger that.
Mule's empty. Motor's still warm.
Tracks? Don't see any.
Brandt, secure this area. Copy.
Al. Al. Al? Al.
What's going on?
What's going on?
Sh. I saw an alien. That noise.
Yeah, you hear it too? It's creepy, huh?
No lights!
You killed him!
Give me the gun. Give me the gun!
Oh, my.
All right, gentlemen
Listen up. Simple recon.
Search and rescue. Brandt, Naka,
And Grange aren't responding.
We're going after them. Lieutenant,
let's move 'em out.
You heard the major. Let's get her done.
Kelly, take us out.
Sir, yes, sir. Let's move out.
All right, let's go. Hasty search.
Man down. We got a man down.
It's Brandt. Dead.
Major, his face. Burnt clean off.
Man down!
Naka's gone. Neck's broke.
ound ill. hrist, Medic!
She's alive.
Al. Al! Man down!
You all right? You okay? Jill. Where's Jill?
She's alive. She's with the medic.
Oh, thank God.
I saw movement in the perimeter
and I just went for it.
What the hell were you thinking?
I took one of those freaks out, didn't I?
That makes you Superman?
What happened then?
Jill found me.
We got ambushed. It just happened so fast.
It was all my fault. I should have helped her.
I should have taken backup.
Baby, I'm so sorry.
You better pray she makes it.
It's bad. I don't know if she'll make it or not.
You don't say if,
you say when she's gonna wake up.
We got plans, don't we, Jill?
I can't do it alone.
I can't do it alone.
What are you doing here?
We missed the last boat.
Grandma wandered off. Took forever
to find her. We're staying with you.
Dream. I remember.
Sun. Sky. Dead tree.
Give it a rest, Grandma. Come on.
Heat. Give it a rest, Grandma. ome on.
Well, you're in for it now.
You'll protect me, right? Oh, yeah.
You can bunk here. I won't be using it.
You're not gonna sleep? Nah.
Rahela told me about your dreams.
She has 'em too, huh?
Yeah, damnedest thing. She's trying to
forget 'em, I'm trying to remember 'em.
When was the last time
you had a decent night's sleep?
I can't remember.
Well, all the comforts of home.
Maybe you've been trying too hard to
remember your dreams.
Some things you can't force, you know.
Feels good.
Eyes closed?
All right. Open yourself up. Drift with the tide.
All that Zen crap. Just float.
It's just looking at us with that monstrous eye.
What do you think
Тепловой удар Тепловой удар

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