remote to blow up the other boat. His voice is on the ferry... ... but it's not the source. West. [CELL PHONE RlNGS] -Gordon. BATMAN: I have the Joker's location. Prewitt Building. Assemble on the building opposite. At midnight, I blow you all up. If, however, one of you presses the button, I'll let that boat live. So who's it gonna be? Harvey Dent's most-wanted scumbag collection... ... or the sweet and innocent civilians? You choose. Oh, and you might wanna decide quickly... ...because the people on the other boat may not be quite so noble. [INTERCOM SQUEALS] [CLAMORlNG] Stay back. Well, now, who are you to decide? We ought to talk this over, at least. We don't all have to die. Those men had their chance. -We are not going to talk about this. -Why aren't we talking about it? They're talking over the same exact thing on the other boat. -Let's put it to a vote. CROWD: Yes! [SHOTGUN BLAST] [PHONE RlNGS] -Hello? RAMlREZ: Barbara, it's Anna Ramirez. Jim needs you to pack up and put the kids in the car right away. But the units outside.... Those cops can't be trusted. Jim needs you away from them as soon as possible. I'll call them off for 10 minutes, and you'll have to move fast. -But where am I supposed to take them? -250 52nd Street. Leave as soon as the patrol car pulls out. Okay. She believe you? It's because she trusts you... ...just like Rachel did. -I didn't know-- -Didn't know what they were gonna do? You're the second cop to say that to me. What exactly did you think they were gonna do? They got me early on. My mother's hospital bills.... -Don't! -I'm sorry. You live to fight another day, officer. SWAT LEADER: We found the missing hospital bus. GORDON: And we have a hostage situation. It's a shooting gallery. Why would he choose a spot with such big windows? SWAT LEADER: We have clear shots on five clowns. Snipers take them out, smash the windows, a team repels in. Team moves in by the stairwells. Two, three casualties max. -Let's do it. BATMAN: It's not that simple. -With the Joker, it never is. -What's simple is that... ...every second we don't take in, those people on the ferries get closer to blowing each other up-- -That won't happen. -Then he'll blow both of them up! -We don't have time for paper ballots. -I want everybody to put their votes... ...on this piece of paper. If anyone's got pens, pass it along. GUARDSMAN: Thank you. Anybody else? Coming through. Anybody else? Thank you. COMMANDER: We need to get these votes in quickly. Come on. PRlSONER 1: What are you waiting for? Push the button! PRlSONER 2: We're running out of time! I need five minutes alone. No! There's no time! We have clear shots! Dent is in there with them. We have to save Dent! I have to save Dent. Get ready. Two minutes, then we breach. [MUFFLED GRUNTlNG] Fox, I need picture. [CELL PHONE RlNGS] -Hello? BARBARA: Jim, we're in trouble. FOX: Okay, you got POV on alpha... ...omni on beta. Looks like clowns and hostages on two floors. There's a SWAT team on the stairwell. Another SWAT team on the roof. TEAM LEADER: Line's clear. -Barbara, calm down. -He has the kids! DENT: Hello, Jim. -Harvey? -Where's my family? - Where my family died. [BUSY SlGNAL] SWAT LEADER: Blue team, acquire the target. Entry team, set your charge. [MUFFLED GRUNTlNG] BATMAN: Fox, the SWATs are targeting the wrong people. The clowns are the hostages. Red team, go! Red team, go! Entry team, blow and go! Don't move. SWAT LEADER: Take the shot. FOX: Those SWATs are coming in hot. SWAT 1: Clowns, put down your guns. SWAT 2: Drop your weapons! SWAT 3: On the ground, now! SWAT 4: Doctors, get down! Clear the line of fire. Drop your weap-- [ALL GRUNTlNG] [DOGS GROWLlNG] SWAT 5: Freeze! Stand down or you will be-- FOX: Look up. See those bad guys on the floor above? They're waiting to ambush the SWAT team coming up the elevator. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском - текст После работы на английском - текст Зейрам на английском - текст Дюна на английском - текст Зелёный слоник на английском |