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Главная / Тегеран-43


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follows her all the time.
Was it you?
No, it wasn't me. Please, give me
your mother's address.
She is in danger.
I have to go.
Ok, Mr. Commissar.
Yes, I have her address.
Her daughter has just given
it to me in the airport.
Excuse me, I can't hear.
What's the name?
Inspector Foch?
Ok, I'll wait for him
near the hotel. Thank you.
Strange, but there is
no such number here.
I see. She lied to you.
The address is false.
I fear very much for her life.
What can we do? She is no prime minister,
she doesn't have the right for personal security.
Yes, I see.
However, I have a dog.
What dog?
Belgian shepherd.
I don't care where to walk it.
I can do it under her windows.
And I will get the address
from a more reliable source.
- What is your name?
- Jorge. - Andre.
Lear, Lear, let's go back.
As we communicated earlier, a group of armed
terrorists had hijacked the plane,
with 260 passengers on board. The plane
landed on the territory of a small tropical state.
After negotiations with the authorities the terrorists
released the majority of passengers, 210 people.
On hijackers' request a van was delivered
to the plane ladder.
The terrorists, hiding behind the rest
of the hostages, tried to leave the plane.
However, the snipers located on the hangar roof
opened fire. 9 of 14 terrorists were killed on the spot.
Two died of injuries, one is in the local hospital.
Two more managed to escape.
The person who was the reason
of hijacking and one of his accomplices
managed to leave the airport
in the van.
The authorities take all the measures
to detain the criminals.
It's him.
- Who? - Schoerner.
I recognized him.
- Which Schoerner? - The one that was
in prison. I told you about him.
Look, they have released him.
Now you will see him young.
It's not it, it's Roosevelt.
On the next day after arriving to Teheran
Roosevelt left the American legation
and went to the Soviet Embassy.
- Why do I need it all?
I have been keeping this tape for 35 years.
Nobody has ever seen it.
All these years I didn't have
anybody to share with.
Probably that's why I have written
these damned memoirs.
And aren't you afraid?
Of whom?
- Of me, for example.
- What do you mean?
No, I am not afraid of you, no.
You know, the American legation
was situated in quite a big distance
from the Soviet and English Embassies.
And Stalin suggested that Roosevelt
should relocate his residence to the Soviet Embassy.
To avoid travelling back and forth.
This invitation was based on the Soviet intelligence
information that the saboteurs sent to Teheran
were preparing, as Stalin put it, an unpleasant
incident against the Big Three.
- Well?
- Better, but still badly.
You need to shorten it by 10 seconds.
Don't nag at him, it's just a rehearsal.
When it comes to the reality, he will run faster.
Your papers are ready. You leave in the morning.
Schoerner is waiting for you.
Dennis Pew arrives on Wednesday,
between 9 and 11 Teheran time.
That's it. He sank.
Your cigar.
I am closing.
They'll be ready tomorrow.
- I need my photos in an hour.
- I am closing. And overtime pay is thrice more.
I'll pay tenfold.
And I'll buy the negative.
I have heard a lot of
flattering things about you.
They say you can do miracles.
That you can make two completely
different people look like twins.
They even say that you don't scruple
to falsify documents. - What do you need?
If we tell you, there will be two options left:
or you'll perform the order,
or we'll have to eliminate you.
Do you understand it?
And do you understand, that you need
to pay well for the artistic work?
I am sure we'll find
a common language.
Spit it out.
The photo that is being developed there
must substitute this one.
Enough, ok?
- And won't Mr. Dennis Pew be offended?
- He is far away. He doesn't care.
Well, I'll try to finish this work by morning.
If you come about 10 o'clock...
- No,
Тегеран-43 Тегеран-43

Читайте также:
- текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском
- текст Про уродов и людей на английском
- текст Токийская ночлежка на английском
- текст Конан-разрушитель на английском
- текст Что забыла дама? на английском

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